periscope | dylan

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you open your laptop and scroll across your screen to open up another tab, typing in periscope and searching for your boyfriends live stream. dylan and tyler were doing a periscope in honour of a new episode of teen wolf.

you clicked on the link to their live stream and saw their smiling faces looking back at you, you couldn't help but stare at how beautiful dylan looked. he was wearing a simple grey hoodie and his hair was messy as if he'd just rolled out of bed.

"hey guys!" tyler yelled gleefully, waving his hands around whilst dylan laughed.

"alright, let's read some of these comments and answer some questions!" dylan said, his dark brown eyes skimmed the comments.

his eyes locked on one in particular, a smile spread across his face. tyler seemed to have noticed and he read it out in a high voice, "oh my gosh when will dylan and y/n get married already!"

dylan chuckled, "that's cute, um..." he paused, looking into the camera, "one day." the corners of his lips twitch into a smile.

"one day?" tyler mimics his voice, laughing, "boy, you better put a ring on it before someone else does!"

"i will! i promise." he's still looking into the camera, hoping that you're at home watching.

the live stream continues and they answer as many questions as possible.

"alright guys, it's time for us to go!" tyler smiled, "thank you for all of your questions!"

"we love you!" dylan blew kisses into the camera before tyler reached over and ended the live stream.

an hour later you hear the door unlock and the familiar sound of dylan putting his coat away, a moment later he walks into the bedroom and sees you sat on the bed. he runs over and in an instant he starts tickling you.

"dylan!" you squeal, batting his hands away playfully.

"y/n!" he laughs, "did you watch the live stream?" a huge smile appears on his face.

"i did." you nod as he sits next to you on the edge of the bed.

"you saw the beginning?" he asked hopefully.

"of course." you say, smiling at him as you admire how extremely beautiful your boyfriend is.

"well... i want you to know i love you so much, and i am going to ask you one day... but not today," he takes hold of your hand, "i'm happy as we are now and i couldn't be more in love with you if i tried and i don't think a ring would change that."

"it's okay, dylan. i love you too, i can wait." you smile softly as you rest your head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around you.


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