thank you | stuart

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It was Saturday night, but for you it was date night with your boyfriend, Alex, of six months. For the first few months it was amazing, it was everything you wanted in a dream relationship- but the past few weeks it'd gotten more complicated. He found something new to complain about every time you met up, even down to what you were wearing.

For some reason you decided to stay with him to see if he changed, and so that's exactly what this date was for. Another chance to see if he'd changed.

You wore a new dress you'd picked up in the week and left your hair down, wearing minimal makeup. Once you were ready you left your home and headed to your car, climbing inside and heading to the restaurant.

After parking up you headed inside, noticing that he wasn't there. You didn't think much about it as you knew he was often late.

A waitress at the front desk smiled, "table for one?" She asked.

"Two, please. My boyfriend should be here soon." You smiled slightly.

The young woman smiled, "sure, this way."

You followed the waitress to a table in the middle of the room, suddenly making you uncomfortable as the restaurant was crowded with people.

Once you sat down the waitress asked if you'd like anything to drink, "just water, please."

You decided to wait to get anything else until Alex got there.

Looking around the restaurant you saw couples and families enjoying themselves as you sat by yourself, staring down at your phone.

Sending a text to Alex letting him know you were there you decided to look at the menu, trying not think about how long he was taking.

Thirty minutes passed and the waitress came by again, "can I take your order, ma'am?"

"Can I have a few more minutes, please? I'm sure he'll be here soon." You replied.

The waitress nodded and gave you a sympathetic smile before heading to another table.

Soon other people in the restaurant were glancing over at you, feeling sorry for you.

Stuart had been watching you for the past fifteen minutes as he'd entered the restaurant after you with his friends, he couldn't take his eyes off of you. He guessed you'd been stood up after the tenth time he'd seen you check your phone and look around the room.

After the third time the waitress had been sent away he stood up, walking towards your table.

He sat down opposite you, sending you a reassuring smile, "sorry I'm late, babe. The traffic was a nightmare," He said loudly so everyone around could hear, then he lowered his voice, "I'm Stuart."

"Y/n." You replied as a cute boy in a beanie and black rimmed glasses stared back at you.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything... I kinda guessed your, uh, friend, wasn't coming." He said bashfully.

"Boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend now. Things haven't been going well recently." You said quietly.

Stuart's smile faded, "oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He was a jerk." You admitted, saying it out loud felt good for once. He'd been getting worse every month and this was the final straw.

"Well, good riddance." Stuart smiled.

"Yeah... good riddance." You smiled at the boy in front of you.

"I guess we should order now, huh? I'm starving." Stuart announced, holding his hand up and waving for the waitress to come over.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, we'd like to order now," he looked over at you, "I assume you've chosen something?" He asked softly, knowing you'd re-read the menu a hundred times whilst you waited.

You nodded, "I'll have the lobster, please."

Stuart raised his eyebrows, "fancy... I'll have the same."

You smiled as the waitress left, "really?"

"I like fish... not sure on lobster but I guess you have to try it to find out, right?" He laughed, his nose scrunched up slightly making him look even cuter.

"Yeah, I guess." You smiled.

The lobster came and surprisingly Stuart enjoyed it more than he thought, he also enjoyed making you laugh- seeing you smile lit up his night. He even used the lobster claws as part of the joke which made you snort, resulting in your both bursting out laughing. The both of you ended up staying in that restaurant long past the closing hours until the waitress eventually had to ask you both to leave so she could go home.

Stuart offered you a ride home but you already had your car with you.

"Thank you for tonight, I mean it... I was getting kind of uncomfortable with everyone staring at me." You laughed nervously.

"I could tell... I'm sorry about that, but I'm not sorry about your now ex-boyfriend. You deserve so much better, y/n." He said sincerely, his honey brown eyes staring into yours through his black spectacles.

You didn't know how to respond but Stuart kept on talking.

"How about I take you on a real date next time? I promise not to stand you up." He said.

"I'd like that a lot, Stuart." You smiled, feeling a slight blush appear on your cheeks.

"Great..." he grabbed his phone out of his pocket, "uh, do you wanna swap numbers so I can keep in touch?"

"Yeah! Of course." You exclaimed, taking out your phone and opening a new contact.

You typed his number in and took an adorable picture of him for the contact icon, he did the same for you.

"Let's take a picture to commemorate this night that turned out pretty good." You suggested, opening the camera once more.

Stuart smiled into your phones camera as you took the picture, one you'd eventually look back on as the night you met your boyfriend who kept his promise never to stand you up.


sooo sorry for no updates but i'm back now (:

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