writer | dave

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after months of endless writing and spending days in the library you had finally finished the draft for your first book. at the cost of this you'd spent less time with your friends, mainly your best friend- dave.

he knew how much you loved writing so he gave you time even though it hurt him not seeing you everyday.

his hand immediately grabbed his phone when he heard his unique ringtone for you, he quickly swiped across the screen and put the phone to his ear.

"y/n!" he exclaimed when he picked up the phone.

"dave!" he heard your voice on the other end of the phone and his heart beat skipped, he loved the sound of his voice on your lips, "do you want to come over? i finally finished my book and i'd really like you to read it."

"i'd love nothing more," he said, already picking up his car keys and walking out of the door, "i'm on my way."

he arrived at your house a few minutes later, he quickly ran his hands through his hair before he rang the doorbell, making sure that he looked okay.

the bell rang throughout the house and you skipped downstairs, opening the door widely before flinging your arms around him, "dave!" you squealed.

"y/n!" he gasped as he was surprised by your hug.

you pulled away and took hold of his hand, dragging him upstairs.

your laptop was open on your bed so he immediately picked it up and started to read the word document that was open. he sat down and you watched as his eyes flickered over the words in front of him.

you sat on the bed next to him and waited for him to finish, time passed by and you leaned closer to see what page he was up to. he grinned as he could feel your breath on his neck as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"you know... this is really good." he said quietly.

you chuckled slightly, "not really."

"no, y/n... this is really good, like, really really good." he looked up at you after scanning his eyes over the pages of your laptop.

"really?" you asked, doubt filling your voice.

"really," he nodded, "this could make you famous, y/n."

you shook your head, "no..."

"yes." he placed your laptop down behind him on your bed and moved closer to you, "i didn't know your writing was this good, y/n... i can't believe you haven't let me read your work before."

"it just wasn't ready." you said shyly.

"well, you don't have to worry about that, y/n... because i think it's extraordinary." he insisted.

"you really think so?" you looked over at him.

he nodded as he gazed into your eyes, his honey, brown eyes flickered down towards your lips.

"dave?" you whispered.

"is it bad that i really want to kiss you right now?" he asked quietly.

you remained quiet for a moment before leaning closer and kissing him, he didn't kiss back until a few seconds later when he realised what was happening. he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you onto his lap as he kissed you.

"you don't know how long i've been waiting to do that." he mumbled as he pulled away to breath.

"just kiss me, hodgman." you said before he attached his lips to yours again, his hands travelling up your back underneath your shirt.

he pulled away again, "wait, i really need to tell you that these past few months have been the hardest not seeing you everyday... i really think i'm in love with you, y/n."

your facial expression softened as he admitted his feelings, "i love you too."


we all need a dave in our life :(

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