dylanobrien: someone bring me chicken nuggetsy/n: only if we can watch star wars together
dylanobrien: deal
dylanobrien followed you!
dylanobrien: if you meant it come to this address and we can hang ** ************
y/n: alright, i'll be half an hour
dylanobrien: okay :)
you drive to your local mcdonald's and pick up a couple of bags of chicken nuggets and fries, it took a while for the line to move in front of you so you got your phone out to input dylan's address into your satnav.
you finally got to the front of the queue and took the bags from the young woman at the drive-in window and then drove off and followed the directions that dylan had sent.
you pulled up outside of a large modern house and got out with the food bags. walking up the stairs to the front door you rang the doorbell, the feeling suddenly sinking in that you were at the dylan o'brien's house.
the door opened and he stood in front of you, his brown messy hair stood up in all directions and he was wearing a plain black t-shirt and jeans.
"hey," he smiled and then glanced down quickly, "you brought them?" he chuckled.
"you didn't think i would?" you asked, pretending to be offended.
he shrugged, "no, i just..." he trailed off, "come in!" he opened the door wider and you stepped inside.
the walls were white and your shoes squeaked on the light brown floor boards.
"nice place." you noted as you looked around, you followed him into an open room that combined the kitchen, dining room and living room, along with glass doors that led out to a long balcony that overlooked downtown los angeles.
"okay, wow." you said in awe, admiring his home.
"thanks." he chuckled, walking over to the couch and picking up a remote, the television flickered to life.
"star wars marathon?" he turned to you and raised his eyebrows, he was extremely adorable.
"sure." you smiled, handing him a bag of the chicken nuggets you'd picked up.
"mm." he moaned softly as he opened the bag and took in the aroma.
"you love chicken nuggets that much?" you laughed.
"i love all forms of chicken, i don't discriminate." he smirked.
he went over to a large cabinet stacked with dvd's and took out the first star wars dvd whilst you sat down on his black, leather couch.
he inserted the dvd into his television and sat down next to you, putting his feet up on the coffee table.
"thanks by the way," he turned to you before the film started, "for these." he held up a chicken nugget before shoving the whole thing into his mouth causing you to laugh.
"no problem." you lay back and relaxed as the film played.
when the third film started the chicken nuggets were finished and the wrappers were scattered on the floor, dylan stretched his arms out above him and then you felt his hand on your shoulder. the slight touch sent a shiver through you.
"are you cold? do you need a blanket?" he asked softly.
"no, i'm good." you smile over at him to assure him.
he nods slightly but pulls you closer against him, the warmth from his body radiating against yours, suddenly realising that you were cold you snuggle closer to him. a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as your body leans against his.
once the fifth film finishes you look out of his large balcony windows and see that the sun had set and the sky was a dark blue, slight sparkles from far away stars were barely visible through the l.a smog.
"i better get going." you suggest, you feel dylan's chest fall next to you.
"oh... time's flown by." he chuckles softly.
"thank you, i actually really enjoyed the films." you smiled over at him.
"you hadn't seen them before?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed slightly which was adorable.
"no," you shook your head, "but i know you like them so that's why i suggested it." you smile.
"a girl after my own heart, chicken nuggets and star wars." he smiles, creating dimples in his cheeks.
your heart skips a beat as you admire how beautiful the human being sat next to you is, you quickly get up before you do anything you regret.
"thanks for coming, y/n," he stands up next to you, "i guess twitter is a good thing after all." he smirks slightly.
dylan walks you to the door and opens it for you, "y/n?" he asks as you step outside, you turn back around to see him smiling at you, his dark brown eyes sparkling like the stars in the night, "can we do this again sometime?" he asks hopefully.
a smile spreads across your face, "i'd love to."
"great," he quickly leans forward and kisses your cheek, "goodbye, y/n." he says quietly.
"goodbye, dylan." you blush slightly as you rush down the stairs towards your car, dylan stares after you and waves before you get into your car.
closing the door, dylan walks back into his living room and flops down onto the couch, smiling and thinking about you whilst you drove home thinking about him.
I know these aren't realistic but that's why it's called fanfic ;) enjoy!

dylan o'brien imagines
Fanfictionimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski