you didn't have to do that | dylan

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sitting opposite your boyfriend in the restaurant he'd chosen for your one year anniversary, you admired how beautiful he really was, meanwhile he was admiring you the same way. a stray strand of your hair fell onto your face and dylan reached over and tucked it behind your ear, smiling.

"i can't get over the fact that i'm dating the most beautiful girl in the world," his lips curved into the lopsided smile that you loved, "i'm incredibly lucky."

you giggled, "i think i'm the lucky one."

suddenly a high pitched squeal echoed through the restaurant and you turned to see a girl rushing between the tables, you immediately turned to dylan and you both knew where the girl was headed.

the girl approached your table and stood next to dylan who looked at you apologetically.

"excuse me, you're dylan o'brien, right? can i get picture?" the girl asked, you tried not to roll your eyes as she didn't even say please.

"um, if you don't mind i'm kind of in the middle of a date with my girlfriend, could you come back later?" you admired how dylan was always so kind to his fans, even when they interrupted his personal time.

"that's your girlfriend?" the girl glared at you, "i thought you'd go for someone more... famous and i guess, prettier."

you bit back the words you were about to say and just ignored her, even if they did hurt. you watched as dylan clenched his jaw in anger, he inhaled deeply and stood up.

"i already asked you politely to come back later, then you insult my girlfriend? it's people like you that make celebrities hate their fans, luckily i know that not all of my fans are like you. now, i'd like you to apologise to my girlfriend and then i'd rather if you left and didn't come back." he glared down at the girl who seemed to shrink away from him.

"uh," the girl stuttered and turned back to you, "i'm so sorry." she muttered before running out of the restaurant as others around the restaurant stared at her, then started applauding dylan.

he sat back down, exhaling slowly, then he looked at you and reached for your hand that was laying on the table, "you okay?" he asked, looking at you concerned.

"you didn't have to do that, dyl." you sighed, knowing he hated being mean to anyone.

"i did, and i'd do it again because i love you," dylan said as he rubbed his thumb over the top of your thumb, "don't take notice of what she said, you're more than pretty, you're beautiful."

"thanks dyl." you smiled slightly, avoiding eye contact.

"hey," he said, making you look at him properly, "don't let her words get to you, she's just jealous." he chuckled at the thought, making you laugh too.

"now, that's the smile i love," he said as you smiled after he made you laugh, "now can we continue with our date?"

"of course." you smiled as he picked up the menu and started flicking through the pages, even watching him do simple actions like that made you fall in love with him even more.


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