wish you were here | stiles

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The pack sat around Scott's table as they discussed what they should do to remove the newest threat from Beacon Hills. Apart from the fact that someone was missing from the group, Stiles, who'd gone to college early.

"I wish he was here, we could really do with his sarcasm right now." You sighed, thinking about how you hadn't seen your boyfriend in months.

"Turn around." You heard a familiar voice say, you spun around in your chair and saw Stiles standing by the doorway, holding a large bag. He dropped it as soon as he saw you and a lopsided smile appeared on his face.

You immediately stood up and ran over to him, flinging your arms around him and nuzzling your head into his shoulder. His hands grasped the back of your shirt, "I missed you too." He chuckled.

"I love you." You mumbled almost inaudibly into his shirt, he hugged you tighter.

"I love you too, sorry for taking so long to come home." He whispered before looking up at everyone else looking at you both from the kitchen table.

"If you can tear yourself away from your girlfriend we'd really appreciate your help." Scott said.

"Of course, that's the real reason I came back." He winked at you before joining the pack at the table grabbing your stool and sitting down, he gestured for you to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist when you did, keeping you close to him.


Sorry it's so short, I guess it's short and sweet :)

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