thomas when...

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you're trying to escape from the WCKD building with an injured thomas, he slumps to the floor, panting

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you're trying to escape from the WCKD building with an injured thomas, he slumps to the floor, panting.

"i can't make it, y/n..." he inhaled sharply, struggling for breath.

"come on, thomas... it's not that far to go now." you said encouragingly.

"just go, y/n... i need to know you're safe." he pleaded.

"i'm not leaving you!" you yelled over the roaring alarms throughout the building.

"please... y/n, i won't make it." he said, looking up at you sadly.

"i'm not leaving you here to die." you repeated, wrapping his arm around your neck and pulling him up. there was no way you were going to leave him, you'd already lost too many friends.

you hauled thomas along with you, stumbling through the corridors and up the stairs of the building.

as you reached the roof you saw the berg hovering close to the edge.

"we're nearly there..." you said, trying to speed up your pace with thomas in tow.

"y/n..." thomas breathed out haggardly.

"we're so close, thomas..." you said as you finally reached the edge of the building.

minho and brenda were yelling at you both to jump.

"jump, thomas!" minho yelled, reaching out for him.

"go." you said, letting go of him.

he shook his head, "not without you." he said before taking hold of your hand, "jump with me."

"it won't work—" you began to say but you couldn't finish your sentence as he ran forward, pulling you along with him.

"jump!" he yelled as both of you jumped towards the berg just as the building fell behind you both.

brenda grabbed your hands whilst minho grabbed thomas, pulling you both onto the berg and into safety.

you scrambled up and ran to find anything to stop thomas's wound from bleeding, as minho helped him lay down in a safe area of the berg thomas smiled up at you weakly.

"you saved me." he said softly.

"i wasn't going to lose you too." you replied, lifting his shirt slightly to treat his wound.

"thank you, y/n."

"you don't have to thank me." you said quietly.

"i love you." this was the first time he'd told you those three words and you couldn't help but smile.

"i love you too, thomas."


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