After finishing a small role in a television show as a guest star as a boyfriend of one of the main characters, Dylan can't help but feel like a part of him is missing when he's pretending to be someone's boyfriend. His ex had broken up with him months ago but he didn't miss her, he just missed sharing his life with someone, being able to go home to someone he loved.
He met up with Tyler for their weekly lunch at Taco Bell and they sat outside of the restaurant in the sun.
"So what's up, man? You seem... distant." Tyler noted.
Dylan sighed, "its just... I think I'm ready."
"Ready?" Tyler asked through a mouthful of taco, he swallowed quickly, "oh!"
"Yeh... I mean, filming that role pretending to be someone's boyfriend, I just wanted that again, you know?" Dylan said before taking a bite of his taco.
"I know the perfect girl for you, bro, want me to set you up?" Tyler asked, his eyes lit up at the thought of setting his best friend up on a date.
"I don't know..." Dylan hesitated, he was quite shy and he didn't feel comfortable around people he didn't know. Whilst acting he could pretend to be someone else but in real life he was kind of nervous.
"Come on, man... she's really sweet, I think you'll like her a lot." Tyler had the perfect girl in mind, he'd met her whilst he did a small gig in a coffee shop once and they became good friends.
Dylan sighed, leaning back slightly, Tyler raised his eyebrows expectantly, "alright,"
"Yes!" Tyler exclaimed, "alright, I'll text her right now."
Dylan nearly spat out the water that he'd just taken a huge gulp of, "right now?"
"Mm-hm." Tyler hummed as he had a mouthful of taco, he took out his phone and found your name in his contacts.
"Do I at least get to know what she looks like or even her name?" Dylan asked.
"Y/n." He said, but he wouldn't show Dylan your picture, he'd prefer it to be a surprise.
Dylan nodded, "y/n... that's a nice name."
Tyler smirked as he pressed send on his text to you, he placed his phone down on the table and the boys waited patiently for your reply. When his phone beeped he scrambled to pick it up, his eyes scanned your reply.
Y/n: I'd love to, let me know the time and date and I'll be there. :)
Tyler grinned, "looks like you've got a date, brother!"
Dylan couldn't help but smile slightly, Tyler noticed but didn't say anything.
"Is tonight too soon?" Tyler asked, his fingers hovering over his keyboard, ready to reply.
"Tonight?!" Dylan exclaimed, then he regained his composure, "okay, tonight it is." He nodded.
"Great!" Tyler cheered as he typed out a reply to you, you quickly replied telling him you'd be there.
"Well?" Dylan asked nervously.
"She's down," Tyler grinned, "now we have to get you ready, man!"
A few hours later Dylan had had his long, messy hair trimmed and Tyler had picked out an outfit for him, "isn't this a little too much?" Dylan asked as he looked at his hair in the mirror.
"Not at all!" Tyler laughed, "come on, you have to make a great first impression, you look a lot better now."
"I didn't before?" Dylan pretended to be offended.
"Of course, but you look even better now." Tyler said.
"Alright," Dylan chuckled, "you can go now man, thanks for this."
"Anything for my bro," Tyler shrugged before leaving Dylan's house, "good luck, man!" He shouted before closing the door behind him.
Dylan got ready in black jeans and a white t-shirt, it wasn't too over the top and he felt comfortable in himself.
He drove to the bar Tyler had told him to go to but he stayed in his car for a moment, he was extremely nervous, he hated being in bars and around people he didn't know, he tried to calm himself before he got out of his car and headed inside. He took a seat at the bar and ordered water, tapping his feet on the floor nervously.
You pulled up outside of the bar and walked inside, looking around for the man Tyler had set you up with. You saw a nervous looking guy sitting by himself at the bar who had short, messy brown hair and moles across his face like constellations. Walking over, you stopped behind him and took a deep breath, "excuse me, are you Dylan?" You asked, raising your voice slightly as the bar was extremely loud.
Dylan turned around and his jaw nearly dropped when he saw the most beautiful girl standing in front of him, "y-yes," he stuttered, "you must be y/n?" He smiled and gestured to the spare seat next to him. You sat down and placed your small bag on the bar. Noticing how nervous he was you smiled reassuringly.
"I'm sorry," Dylan raised his voice over the loud music, "I haven't done this in a while and I'm also kinda nervous around crowds of people." He admitted.
You let out a sigh of relief as he spoke, you also hated being around lots of people, "me too, do you wanna get out of here?" You asked, looking towards the exit.
Dylan grinned, "I'd love to." He stood up and offered you his hand which you gratefully took as he led you outside.
"Where to?" Dylan asked, looking down at you, his whiskey coloured eyes flickered over your face.
"I know this place... it's a small coffee shop where I met our mutual friend, Tyler, it's a few blocks from here..." you suggested.
"It's okay, I don't mind walking." Dylan smiled lopsidedly which made your heart flutter.
As you started walking you and Dylan talked about everything and anything, laughing together and enjoying each other's company. Dylan could feel himself falling in love again as you walked hand in hand, his heart was full again.

dylan o'brien imagines
Fanfictionimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski