When your moms car rolled up outside of the summer camp you were helping at you got out and headed to the boot to grab your bags.
"Have fun, sweetheart." Your mom waved as she drove off, leaving you to go and register in the first cabin.
Once you'd signed a few forms a girl your age showed you to your cabin and gave you a camp t-shirt.
Being one of the first ones to arrive you chose a bed close to the window and sorted your clothes into the drawers next to your bed.
Changing into a pair of shorts, the camp t-shirt and grabbing your favourite cap that represented your team, the mets, you headed out to wonder around the camp and towards the lake.
It was an extremely beautiful place, the trees were beautiful and bright green, providing plenty of shady spots around the camp.
After looking around the other cabins and the activities the camp offered such as archery, you decided to head back to the lake and sit on the pier where the campers would be able to go fishing.
Splashing your feet in the water you didn't hear the patter of feet heading towards you on the pier.
The boy walking towards you was looking around at first when he spotted a girl wearing a blue and orange cap sitting at the lake.
His eyes immediately zoned in on you and he walked along the pier with a spring in his step, "let's go mets!" He yelled, causing you to turn around at the sound of someone yelling about the mets.
As soon as you turned to face him his eyes widened at the beauty standing in front of him that he forgot how to speak.
"You're a mets fan?" You asked, smiling at the boy in front of you. He had messy brown hair and hazel brown eyes that were mesmerising as he stood in front of you.
The boys mouth moved but no words came out.
"I'll take that as a yes." You giggled at how adorable he was.
"Y-yes, I love the mets." He finally said, grinning goofily.
"So are you one of the campers or helpers?" You asked, unsure as he was wearing a grey hoodie.
"Oh! Definitely not a camper." He laughed, lifting his hoodie off, slightly revealing a toned stomach you couldn't help but ogle at as he showed the camp t-shirt similar to yours underneath.
"Sweet!" You smiled, noticing there were more people arriving behind him, "we should go meet the new arrivals." You suggested, heading back towards the cabins.
"Y-yeah, of course." He stuttered, kind of disappointed he didn't have more time to talk to you alone, he guessed he'd just have to find time.
"Wait!" The boy yelled as he ran up behind you, "I didn't get your name..."
"Y/n." You smiled.
"Stiles." The boy grinned.
You raised your eyebrows, "Stiles... nice."
He let out a laugh, "thanks."
Smiling at Stiles, you turned back around and headed towards the new arrivals as Stiles followed close behind.
You ended up getting separated from Stiles as you helped younger campers into their cabins and showed them around.
Your job was all day and most of the night to keep an eye on the campers and lead activities, meaning you didn't get much time to yourself but at least it kept you busy.
The first few days were hectic as everyone was getting used to the schedule, but the first weekend they held a swimming competition between the volunteers and you finally saw Stiles again.

dylan o'brien imagines
Fanfictionimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski