devil in me | void stiles

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Stiles had been trying to repress the feeling he'd began to develop in recent weeks, he felt angry constantly. For some reason he wanted to snap at everyone but he'd kept it in control until one day Scott told him there was another threat to Beacon Hills and they needed to stop it.

"God, Scott! Why do we always have to do everything? Don't you think it's getting a little old? I'm tired of it!" He snapped.

Scott stared at his best friend in shock, "Woah, buddy, what's wrong with you today?"

"It's not just today! It's everyday, Scott. I'm constantly angry and I don't know why-"

"Stiles... you should talk about your feelings more, if I don't know, I can't help you." Scott said.

"Maybe I don't want help." Stiles snarled, turning away and walking away from Scott, he made his way home and stormed up to his bedroom.

You were busy studying in the library when you got a text from Scott.

scott: hey, y/n, can you go and check on Stiles?

y/n: why?

scott: he just seems off...

y/n: alright, sure

You found it weird that Scott was asking you to check on Stiles, you were close to Stiles but not as close as Scott. Something about his messages made you worried so you hurriedly packed your books away and made your way to his house.

"Stiles?" You called out as you walked inside like you usually did.

There was no reply so you hurriedly ran upstairs, "Stiles?"

You knocked on his bedroom door before entering, you saw Stiles sat on his bed with his head in his hands.

He looked up when he heard you enter, "y/n."

"Scott texted me... saying you weren't really yourself..." you trailed off, walking over to him and sitting besides him.

He groaned, "typical."

"What's wrong, Stiles?" You asked, reaching over and taking hold of his hand but he quickly moved away from you and stood up.

He saw the look of hurt flash across your face, "please, I need you to leave, y/n."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." You insisted.

You looked at his hands and saw them shaking, "it's happening again, y/n." He said quietly.

"What's happening, Stiles?" You stood up and walked towards him.

"I- I think there's still a part of the nogitsune left inside of me, I've been feeling this... this thing inside of me..." he clutched his chest as if he could claw it out, "I'm angry all of the time and I think it's trying to take over me again."

"Stiles... I think we should tell Scott, I don't know how to help you." You stepped closer to him but he shook his head.

"I don't want help, y/n... that's what scares me, I want it to take control, I'd finally have a purpose." He said, his voice seemed to be shaking with nerves.

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