"This can't be happening!" Dylan muttered to himself as the subway screeched to a stop in the middle of the tunnel. He was on his way to his third date with you and he'd even gotten the train that was a faster mode of transport so that he wouldn't be late. Now he had no signal and he was going to be late, again. You'd chosen the place for this date, since you were alternating. He looked around frantically for any sign of what was happening, no one else seemed to bothered by the event.
"Excuse me, do you know what's going on?" He asked the older woman next to him, she simply shrugged and resumed to read the book she held in her hands. He groaned and leaned his head against the glass window, thinking about how much you'd hate him for being late again.
Meanwhile you were stuck in traffic on your way to the restaurant you'd chosen, you tapped your fingers along the steering wheel to the beat of the song of the radio but your mind wandered off to how Dylan would probably think you'd stood him up on purpose. You were meant to meet him at 7pm for dinner but the time was slowly passing by as you sat in your car, worrying about being late, you checked the time on your phone and it was 6:58pm. Leaning your head back against the head rest you let out a frustrated groan.
Dylan had begun to fidget with his hands nervously, he hated being on trains, it made everything worse that it had stopped and there was no announcement made. The woman next to him glared at him as he began to tap his foot on the floor.
Eventually she stopped him, "excuse me, young man? Could you please stop tapping your foot? it's incredibly irritating."
"Oh, sorry..." he said quietly, "I'm just nervous." He admitted.
The woman's voice softened, "oh, I'm sorry, dear."
He shrugged, "it's okay." He mumbled quietly as he checked the time on his phone.
"Going anywhere?" The woman asked, clearly trying to take his mind off of the situation.
"Uh, yeh," he looked over at the woman, "I'm going on a date with this girl... but I'm afraid she'll hate me since this is the second time I've been late."
The woman smiled sympathetically, "well, whoever the girl is I'm sure she won't hate you, she's incredibly lucky to have a lovely young man like you."
"Thanks." He nodded shyly, he was still fidgeting nervously and the woman noticed.
She stood up and walked towards the end of the train, disappearing into the other carriage. She returned moments later and sat down, "don't worry, they'll be moving any moment now." She grinned.
He furrowed his eyebrows, "what did you do?"
"Oh, I just told them they better hurry up with whatever they're doing because a young man is late for his date." She chuckled lightly.
Dylan smiled slightly, "thank you."
"I can tell you like this girl, I hope she's worth it." She smiled.
"She is." Dylan nodded and smiled, then his body suddenly jerked slightly as the train started moving, he stared out of the window in awe.
The lady smiled to herself as she watched his eyes light up.
As for you, the traffic had started moving and you were now travelling freely towards the restaurant. You checked the time every few minutes, you reached the restaurant by 8pm and the sky was growing dark.
At the same time you pulled into the car park, Dylan was walking into the restaurant and asking if you were there.
"I'm sorry, sir, no one by that name is here..." the waiter looked at him sadly, as if thinking that his date had stood him up.
Dylan looked around for any sign of you as the waiter looked at him with pity, "I'll wait."
You hurried over to the restaurant and opened the doors, you nearly bumped into a man in front of you. He turned around to apologise but stopped when he saw you, "y/n?" His whole body relaxed as he saw you after feeling tense for the last hour.
"Dylan," you smiled, "I'm so sorry I'm late, traffic was horrific." You apologised but he stopped you.
"That's kind of a relief, the train stopped and I was worried you were going to be waiting for me again." He sighed.
You let out a breath of relief, "I guess it was fate," you laughed, "shall we eat?"
"Good idea, I'm starving," He grinned before turning to the waiter, "table for two please."
The waiter smiled as he glanced at you and nodded, "of course."
The two of you talked and laughed all evening, sharing your stories of why you were late.
Later on in the evening when you were leaving the restaurant you turned to Dylan, "you know, I'm really glad Tyler set us up."
"Me too." his lips curled into his adorable lopsided smile.
"Say, do you need a ride? I don't want you to go through the whole train ordeal again." You said.
He chuckled lightly, "yes, please."
He followed you to your car and got into the passenger seat, telling you his address.
The car ride was silent until you pulled up on the curb outside of his house, "do you, uh, want to come inside?" He asked bashfully.
You turned towards him and smiled softly, "I'd love to."
the rest is up to your imagination ;)

dylan o'brien imagines
أدب الهواةimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski