heartbreak motel | stiles

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The silence was almost deafening as you sat in the passengers seat of the jeep. Stiles had booked a romantic getaway for the both of you months ago before your relationship started to go south and neither of you had the heart to cancel it. Stiles was too scared to end it and you were still in denial that you both had fallen out of love with one another.

It was hard being around one another sometimes, even the pack were beginning to sense that things weren't that great in your love life.

When you and Stiles first met it was love at first sight, he'd learned his lesson about pining over girls that didn't like him back so he made sure that you at least had the slightest feelings for him, thanks to Scott's help.

The first year together was amazing, you did everything with Stiles, helping him solve cases, double dates with Scott and Malia, everything. He was truly the worlds best boyfriend, and you even loved Star Wars just as much as he did.

Over time your relationship became strained due to the stress of losing friends and trying to keep everyone alive. It affected your relationship, and right now it was at breaking point. So you both decided to go on this vacation for one last chance.

Stiles drummed his fingers across the steering wheel as he waited for the lights to change at a junction, you heard the beginning of his favourite song play on the radio. You waited to hear him sing along, but he remained quiet. Slowly, you turned to look at him, his eyes focused on the road ahead with no emotion.

His hand rested on the gear stick, you wanted so desperately to reach out and place your hand over his but you held back and kept your hands intertwined on your lap.

Looking away from him slowly, you stared out of the window for the rest of the journey.

Stiles had seen you staring at him from the corner of his vision, and it took all of his willpower not to look at you.

You both successfully managed to reach the motel without muttering a word to each other, Stiles grabbed the key for your room before carrying your suitcase to your room.

"You don't have to do that." You sighed.

A look of hurt flashed across his face as he heard your voice, "I do." He said finally as he carried both of the suitcases up to the second floor.

After unpacking both of your suitcases, the sun had set and the sky was a dark blue with the moon shining overheard.

It was Friday night, you would usually suggest wandering around outside of the motel and being a typical tourist with Stiles, but it wouldn't feel the same.

Stiles noticed you staring longingly outside, his heart ached as he knew what was going to happen sooner or later.

He switched the tv on, as you headed into the bathroom to get changed into your pyjamas, aka one of Stiles' old t-shirts you couldn't bring yourself to giving back and a pair of shorts.

Once you returned to the bedroom Stiles was already under the covers, reading a new comic he'd brought.

You slid into the double bed next to him, turning off the light besides you.

Moments later Stiles' light went out and both of you lay in the darkness.

What seemed like an hour later, Stiles spoke.

"I'm sorry, y/n." He said softly.

"Don't be, Stiles." You replied quietly.

"I am... I've let this go on too long, I was just denying how this isn't working anymore because I still love you." He admitted.

Staring at the ceiling, you processed his words, "it wasn't just you, I didn't try to fix us."

"Y/n..." he shifted his body to face you, "I never wanted this to happen, but I think we're past saving... so that's why I think we should-" he gulped, not wanting to say the next words, "break up."

The words stung, but you knew he was right.

"I'm sorry too, Stiles. I still love you, but I don't want to keep going on like this." You said, finally facing him and staring into those hazel, brown eyes.

He stared at you for a while, taking in all of your features before laying back on his back, you did the same.

After a few minutes he spoke again, "I hope you fall in love with someone who never stops choosing you and I hope you feel at home when you look at them like I did with you."

Your heart skipped a beat as he said those last few words, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as everything finally hit you.

You bit back the tears, "I hope you find someone who sees you as the brightest and only star in the sky, Stiles Stilinski, like you ar- were to me."

Stiles had never heard you describe him like that, and he felt a sudden overwhelming feeling inside of him. He immediately wondered if he'd made the biggest mistake of his life in that moment. But it was too late, you'd already turned to face away from him, ending the conversation.

The next day you called a taxi, not wanting to ruin his stay.

He stared after you as you sat in the back of the taxi, tears filling your eyes as you drove away.

"Goodbye, Stiles." You whispered to yourself.

You knew you'd never find anyone like him.

He was the only one you felt at home with.


this was different than what i usually write, what did y'all think? xo

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