sleepover | stiles

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Friday nights were the packs favourite time of the week. They'd all gather at Scott's house, eat, chill out, play games like truth or dare and then have a sleepover.

When they decided to play truth or dare as their game of the night, the pack gathered in a circle in the McCall's living room, all of the furniture pushed to the back of the room to make space for them. They all sat snuggled in blankets as Malia was the first one to spin the bottle in the middle of the group.

The clear bottle span until it slowed down and pointed at Scott.

Malia grinned, "truth or dare?"

"Truth." Scott said.

Malia frowned, "You're no fun!"

Scott chuckled softly, "Well?"

Malia thought for a moment, "have you ever had a crush on anyone sat in this circle right now?"

Scott hesitated, avoiding Malia's eye contact, "uh, yeah."

Malia raised her eyebrows as she heard his heartbeat racing, "who?"

"That wasn't part of the original question." Scott said.

Stiles sensed his friends uncomfortableness, "Alright, next!"

Malia glared at Stiles, "fine."

Liam reached over to the bottle and span it, grinning across at Mason and Corey.

It landed on you and Liam smiled, "y/n... truth or dare?"

You debated with yourself for a moment, "mm... dare."

Liam's eyes glinted with mischief, "I dare you... to kiss the person sat to the left of you."

Stiles was the one sitting to the left of you.

You turned to face him as he smiled reassuringly, he was your best friend- surely he wouldn't mind.

Leaning towards him, you quickly pressed your lips against his. Surprisingly it was a sweet kiss and his lips were extremely soft.

When you pulled away his eyes were wide, both of you staring at each other as if you were seeing each other in a different light until someone cleared their throat.

"My turn!" Mason interrupted, spinning the bottle.

The game continued until they all decided it was time to sleep, as the time had passed by quickly and it was 2am already.

Everyone found a spot on the floor and lay down in their sleeping bags.

No lights were visible as most of the pack fell asleep, you stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep as you couldn't stop thinking about your kiss with Stiles.

In the corner of your eye you saw a bright light.

Looking over you saw Stiles on his phone, he flinched away from the bright light and quickly scrambled to turn the brightness down, probably reading something as he couldn't sleep either.

After watching him for a while, you finally spoke.

"Stiles?" You asked quietly from the other end of the room, you saw him almost drop his phone on his face.

"Yeh?" He replied, looking around the room and finally spotting you.

"I can't sleep." You whispered.

"Me neither... wanna come over here?" Stiles suggested.

You got up slowly and grabbed your sleeping bag, stepping over your friends and trying not to step on them as you made your way over to him.

Laying down your bag again, you shivered slightly.

"Are you cold?" Stiles asked softly.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine." You replied.

Stiles shuffled over and made space in his sleeping bag for you, "come here."

Hesitating for a moment, you climbed in next to him, "this is cosy." You laughed quietly, immediately feeling the warmth from Stiles' body as you got into his sleeping bag.

Stiles smiled, "yeah..."

"About earlier..." you began.

"If you're going to apologise, don't. I liked it." Stiles said.

"Y-you did?" You stuttered.

He nodded, "to be totally honest with you, I enjoyed it more than I should admit. I really like you, but I didn't want to tell you... I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

"Me neither." You admitted shyly.

"So... you like me too?" He raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"I do." You said quietly, not wanting to wake the others.

His chestnut, brown eyes gazed into yours adoringly before his lips met yours again for the second time that night. He didn't pull away until you both needed to breath again.

You both fell asleep in each other's arms on the floor of Scott's living room.

The next morning when Scott was the first one to wake, he smiled when he saw that his two best friends finally found their way together.


what's your favourite version of the mccall pack?
mines definitely scott, stiles, lydia, allison and isaac (also malia and i'm sad we never got a malisaac scene)

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