standing in front of your boyfriend in the street you took a deep breath before saying what you were about to say, "look, i think we need to break up."
your boyfriend frowned, "break up?" he said the two words as if they were alien to him.
"yes. i just... i don't think we work anymore." you tried to explain but your boyfriend shook his head and stepped towards you, raising his fist.
"i think you should choose your next words very carefully, y/n." he scowled.
you tried to step backwards but he grabbed your wrist with his other hand, "let me go." you tried to wriggle free but his hand grasped your wrist tighter.
"you really want to break up with me?" he raised his voice.
you nodded, suddenly scared.
"fine." he let go of your wrist, just before you tried to leave his other fist connected with your nose. you flinched away and held your hands up to feel the cold liquid running down your lips - blood.
the guy in front of you laughed, "that's what you get for losing this." he points to himself before turning to walk away.
sitting down on the pavement you wrapped your hands around your legs, you wiped the blood from your nose with your jacket. tears trickled down your cheeks as you sat alone, oblivious to the boy walking towards you.
"y/n?" the boy asked as he walked towards you, he knew it was his best friend as you were wearing your favourite leather jacket that you'd sewn a rose onto the sleeve, "what's wrong?" he sat down besides you and reached out to comfort you but you flinched away.
he clenched his jaw as his eyes saw the blood pouring from your nose, "if he did that to you..."
"please, dave... don't." you shook your head, wiping more blood away with your sleeve.
"why did he do this to you?" he asked quietly.
"because i broke up with him." you sighed.
"you always deserved better than him, y/n." he says, looking at you intently.
you smiled slightly before snivelling, the blood had dried now and you probably looked like a mess in front of your best friend.
"hey-" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to you.
you stifle a laugh, "you really carry one of these around with you?"
"it comes in handy for these situations..." he shrugs.
"thanks, dave..." you took the handkerchief and wiped away the blood and tears that covered your face.
"why did you break up with him? wait, you don't have to answer that." dave realised that was slightly insensitive.
"no, it's okay... i just couldn't be with someone i didn't love when my heart belongs to someone else..." you trailed off.
dave furrowed his eyebrows, "who?"
you shook your head, "it doesn't matter... they don't feel the same."
"tell me." he insisted, you'd always tell each other everything.
you looked over at him as his honey coloured eyes stared at you, he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world- blood and all.
"it really doesn't matter, dave." you shrugged.
"how do you know that they don't feel the same? maybe they're waiting for you to say something..." he said quietly.
you looked down at the pavement you were sat on, avoiding eye contact as your cheeks flushed bright pink, dave reached out slowly and caressed your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your cheek slowly.
you tilted your head slightly as dave leaned forward, his lips gently connected with yours, you opened your eyes widely before closing them and kissing him back. he pulled away slowly, "i really like you, y/n..." he admitted.
"i really like you too, dave... in fact, i more than like you- i think i'm in love with you." you said.
dave smiled as he looked into your eyes before cupping your cheeks with both hands and kissing you again.
again, if you have any requests let me know, it can be any character of dylan's! :)

dylan o'brien imagines
Fanfictionimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski