can't live without you | stiles

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It had been months since Stiles Stilinski broke your heart.

He'd said that it was to keep you safe, but you couldn't help but feel that it had to do with a certain strawberry blonde that he hung out with all of the time.

Of course you knew about the supernatural, he'd told you after the first few months you'd been dating, he'd asked Scott to help him prove it by making him show you his glowing eyes and fangs. At first you'd freaked out but then you realised that it all made sense, all of the newspaper articles that spoke of beasts roaming the forests of Beacon Hills suddenly became real.

But despite sticking with Stiles for an extremely long year of supernatural threats and a rollercoaster of a relationship he decided to end it, everything was going well in the relationship, he didn't seem distant and there were no signs that he was even thinking about it until he showed up at your home one night and broke up with you.

The days that followed you pretended that you were fine, but anytime you walked past Stiles in the hallways or had to sit in front of him in class you felt a pang in your heart.

Malia, your best friend, spent the weeks afterwards helping you through the break-up. But there was nothing she could do, you were still so in love with him that nothing could help the pain.

Seeing him with Lydia hurt too, knowing Stiles used to have a crush on her you couldn't help but wonder if he ever loved you.

Four months after continuously avoiding each other you ended up in an unfortunate situation.

You were walking home one night alone when you suddenly felt like someone was watching you, you quickened your pace and pulled out your phone immediately dialling Malia's number but by the time she picked up you felt a blow to your head and everything went black.

Pain spread through your head as you began to wake up, you opened your eyes and looked around, there was barely any light in the room you'd ended up in. You felt something heavy around your wrists, you looked down to see chains wrapped around your wrists. Panicking, you tried to wriggle out of them but it was no use, your wrists were red by the time you stopped trying.

You lay your head back against the wall behind you, hoping that Malia would look for you, that's all you could hope for.

What seemed like an hour later a door swung open on the other side of the room and two figures ran inside.

"Malia, you fight them off, I'll get y/n." One of them muttered but you couldn't make out who it was. Malia ran out of the room as the other figure ran towards you.

As they got closer you noticed the familiar outline of Stiles, he crouched down in front of you, "y/n," He breathed out in relief, "thank god you're okay." He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you, noticing how cold you were.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, shrinking away from his touch.

He pulled away slowly, "because I was going out of my mind, y/n. When Malia called me I was so worried..." he trailed off as you glared at him.

"Why would you care about me, Stiles?" You asked, considering he'd ignored you for so long.

A look of pain shot across his face, "why wouldn't I care?" He repeated spitefully, "because I still love you, y/n, believe it or not."

You scoffed, "love me? Really? That's what you call ignoring someone and spending all of your time with another girl? Sure, Stiles."

"God, y/n." He rolled his eyes before looking down at the chains you were bound in, he started yanking at them but it was no use.

"What are you trying to do?! Rip my hands off?!" You yelled as he looked taken aback.

"I'm trying to help you." He mumbled.

"Whatever." You groaned.

"Look, I'm going to get you out of these chains and take you home, then I'm going to leave and we never have to talk to each other again if that's what you want." He snapped.

It wasn't what you wanted, but in that moment all you could feel was anger towards him, "fine."

"Fine." Stiles repeated, untangling the chains.

He helped you up but resisted from wrapping his arms around you again, you followed him to his jeep and got into the passenger seat. Malia had already left to give you guys some time alone, but you would've preferred it if she'd stayed.

After an agonisingly long drive home, Stiles pulled up outside of your house.

You let out a sigh, looking over at him as he looked extremely sad, "do you..." you couldn't believe you were actually doing this, "do you want to come inside?"

He looked over at you hopefully, his eyes lighting up, "if that's what you want, y/n."

"Don't make me regret it, Stilinski." You muttered as you got out of the jeep and headed to your front door, turning around and waiting for Stiles who was walking up the path to your house.

You headed to your bedroom as Stiles followed behind you, he'd been to your house numerous times but something felt different this time. He stood awkwardly in your room as you sat down on your bed, rubbing your wrists that were still sore.

"You can sit down you know, Stiles." You said, looking at him pitifully.

He sat down, not too close to you. Neither of you spoke for a long time until Stiles cleared his throat.

"Y/n... I miss you." Stiles said, almost inaudibly.

You turned to face him and saw the sincerity written across his face, making your heart melt, "I miss you too, Stiles but I still can't forgive you for all of those months you spent ignoring me."

"I did it to protect you, y/n." Stiles turned to face you, his jaw clenching as he tried to get his point across.

"Protect me from what, Stiles? For a year Scott and Malia managed to protect me, so what could be so much of a threat that you have to break up with me to 'protect' me from?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.

Stiles looked taken aback, not having an answer he shook his head.

"It's Lydia, isn't it?" You asked quietly.

He shook his head, "no, not at all, y/n...." he paused for a moment, "I can see why you think that but there's nothing going on between us, y/n."

"Then why, Stiles? Because I loved- I love you so much and I don't understand why-" Stiles cut you off quickly.

"Y/n... I broke up with you because I was scared... I was scared that I loved you too much and I know that loving someone that much can only end in pain, I've seen it too many times with my friends..." he looked down sadly, "but I've realised that being without you is a much worse pain, if something had happened to you tonight I would've gone out of my mind."

"Stiles..." you didn't really know how to reply so you trailed off, looking down at his hands as he couldn't keep his hands still as they were shaking, you reached out and placed your hands over his.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry for hurting you... I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I can't live without you in my life." He said quietly, looking over at you.

When he looked at you all of the anger towards him left your body, you couldn't pretend to hate him anymore.

"I've missed you so much, Stiles... and I know I shouldn't forgive you but I do because I love you, so much." You admitted, letting go of his hands that had stopped shaking now.

His eyes flickered down towards your lips, "would it be wrong if I kissed you right now?" He asked nervously.

You shook your head, "not at all."

He gingerly leaned towards you, pressing his lips against yours slowly. After a while he pulled away, "y/n, I know it's soon but I'd really like it if we could try this again."

"I'd really like that too, Stiles." You smiled softly.


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