surprise trip | dylan

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You were never a morning person, but somehow Dylan persuaded you to wake up early and get in the car with him. He wouldn't say where you were going, only that it would take a while to get there and that it was a surprise. And so that's how you ended up asleep in the passenger side of his car at 7am in the morning as he drove along the highway.

He glanced at you every now and again, admiring how adorable you looked when you were asleep. He knew you'd been working extra hard lately at your job and he thought you deserved a day of fun at your favourite place on earth.

An hour later he pulled into a large parking lot and found a space, he woke you up gently, "hey, baby, wake up." He said softly.

You shook your head, "five more minutes."

"We're here... and I think you'll really like where we are." He said, his hand still on your arm as he waited for you wake up.

You sighed and opened your eyes, looking around you immediately realised where you were.

"Dylan..." you said in awe, looking over at him with a huge smile on your face.

"Come on, let's go and get our tickets, then you can freak out." He laughed as you both got out of the car.

Dylan had taken you to the happiest place on earth, Disneyland in Los Angeles.

You suddenly felt revitalised now that you were there, dragging Dylan behind you to the ticket booths.

As soon as you got your tickets you walked through to the park hand in hand with your boyfriend, looking around lost for words. No matter how many times you went you still found so much beauty in the park every time you visited.

You headed straight to your favourite rides, the queues being short at this time of morning since you'd arrived early. Even getting to ride them multiple times before the park began to get more crowded.

Once your stomach began to rumble, Dylan brought hot dogs for both of you, then ice creams shaped like Mickey Mouse which you loved. And of course, you had to get an 'insta-worthy' shot with it in front of the Cinderella castle.

Dylan always took the best photos of you, even taking multiple pictures for you to choose from. Your favourite photos were ones with the both of you in, Dylan would never look at the camera as he was too mesmerised by you to even pay attention to the person taking the photo.

You held hands as you wandered through the park, occasionally getting stopped by fans of Dylan to take photos with him— but you didn't mind, it made you happy to see him with fans and to see the looks on their faces when they met him.

In the evening you headed towards the Ferris wheel on the pier, as you waited in line Dylan placed his arm around your waist as he held you close to him, occasionally kissing your forehead. He wasn't usually a huge fan of public displays of affection, but on days like this he loved showing you how much he loved you with little gestures.

Finally making it to the front, you sat down next to Dylan as the attendee pulled the metal bar over the both you.

Dylan wrapped his arm around your shoulders as it started moving higher, it stopped at the top and you admired the view of the sun setting over the park. It was one of the most beautiful sites you'd ever seen, but Dylan was too busy admiring you.

You smiled as you felt his eyes on you, as you turned to face him he caressed your cheek gently, running his thumb over your lips slowly as he admired them. His hazel eyes flickered up to your eyes for a moment before he kissed you. Closing your eyes as he kissed you, you savoured every moment. You ran your hand through his messy brown hair, it was soft and fluffy, and you could feel his smile through the kiss.

When he finally pulled away his face was lit up with a smile, "I love you so, so much... you are literally my everything." His voice slightly hoarse after the kiss.

You chuckled lightly, "I love you too, thank you for today, Dyl, it's been perfect."

"Anything for you, cutie." He replied as you rested your head on his shoulder for the duration of the ride.

It was the perfect end to the perfect day, and only one of the many to come in the future that you would cherish forever.


cheesy but cute i guess :)

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