lust | stiles & dylan

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Today was the day, you'd been dreading it for months. It was a certain romantic scene between yourself and Dylan O'Brien, or Stiles on Teen Wolf. You'd never told anyone, not even your close friends that you had developed feelings for him during your time on the show as his love interest.

Dylan was also extremely nervous, he'd spent the night before texting his best friend, Tyler Posey, non-stop for advice since he'd done a few similar scenes on set. Yet it felt different, because Dylan had fallen for you without realising it and Tyler didn't know how to help him in that department.

As you both showed up on set, heading to your trailers, Jeff spotted you on the way in, "big day today, y/n!"

You groaned slightly but forced a smile as you stepped into your trailer and flopped down onto your couch, dreading the scene. Of course it was only acting, but you didn't want to make it awkward by having real feelings for him.

Soon the time came and one of the crew called you to set, walking over you saw Holland who smiled but then saw the look on your face and rushed over to you.

"Oh my gosh, y/n, what's wrong?!" She asked.

"It's just... I have that scene with Dylan today... and I don't think I can do it." You admitted.

Holland nodded, "It's because you have feelings for him right?!"

"Is it that obvious?!" You exclaimed, covering your face with your hands.

"Well... I've noticed the way you look at him, but don't worry- it'll be fine. I've had my share of awkward scenes and once it's over it's fine." She tried to comfort you but nothing helped.

You sighed, hopefully what she said would be true- you just needed to get it over with.

When you walked into Stiles' bedroom on set you saw Dylan being prepped by make-up and giving him finishing touches, but you couldn't draw your eyes away from his shirtless torso.

"Hey, y/n." He smiled, that lop-sided smile that made you melt inside.

"Hi, Dyl." You smiled, letting the make-up artists fix your hair.

"Alright everybody, I need everyone out apart from my camera-man and myself." Jeff explained, most of these scenes only allowed two or three other people in the room to make it more comfortable for the actors.

Once yourself and Dylan were ready, you sat next to him on his bed.

"You okay?" Dylan asked quietly.

"Yeah... just nervous." You replied.

"Me too." He said softly.

"Alright guys! Take one when you're ready!" Jeff said.

Dylan shifted slightly so that his body was facing you, he smiled reassuringly, "ready?"

You nodded, Dylan reached up slowly, cupping your cheek gently, and soon he became Stiles.

"I can't believe this is really happening!" He exclaimed as you pushed him back onto the bed, trailing kisses across his bare chest.

"Stiles... just be quiet." You said in between kisses against his smooth skin.

"O-okay." He stuttered.

As you lay on top of Stiles, he wrapped his arms around your waist, his skinny hands running up and down your back.

You finally reached his lips, kissing him slowly and passionately, just like Jeff wanted the scene to go.

Running your hands through his spiky, brown hair, you lost track of time as Jeff yelled 'cut.'

"Alright guys, that was great! Take a break and we'll move onto the next scene." Jeff said as he ushered the cameramen off of the set.

As you were about to get up, Dylan stopped you, "uh, can you stay here for a little longer?" He asked bashfully, waiting for the camera crew to leave the room.

"Sorry," he admitted, "it's just I'm really attracted to you and it's kinda hard when you're literally on top of me."

You smiled, watching as his cheeks burned red, "it's okay."

Dylan looked away for a moment, "I have to admit something..."

"Yeah?" You asked, staring into his beautiful, honey-brown eyes.

"I'm more than attracted to you, y/n. I think I've fallen in love with you," He confessed, "I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier... I was just worried you wouldn't feel the same and I'd just make this more awkward."

You sighed in relief, "that's exactly how I felt!"

"Really?" Dylan asked, releasing the breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"Really," you smiled, "I've fallen for you and I don't think I want to stop."

"Me neither." He chuckled, reaching up and tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your ear slowly. The simple contact of his skin on yours sent shivers through you.

You leaned towards him, kissing him again, but not as your character this time.

Dylan couldn't help but smile as you kissed him, "we should do this more often." He mumbled.

"Definitely." You replied.

"Um, what's going on here?" A familiar voice asked, as the two of you looked towards the voice Tyler Posey was smiling in the doorway of Stiles' room.

"Uh, nothing." Dylan grinned.

Tyler laughed to himself as he left, leaving you two alone to fix Dylan's situation before heading to your next scene together.


lmao i was gonna make this smut but then i literally couldn't even force myself to write it 😂

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