When Stiles was younger, he'd seen a shooting star as he watched it from his bedroom window and made only one wish, for someone to talk to- a friend.He needed someone to talk to after his Mom died, someone who would be there for him, and that's what happened.
The shooting star plummeted to the ground, right in his back yard, a blinding light made him stumble backwards until he regained his balance. He headed downstairs, opening the back door. He squinted through the dark, trying to make out the figure that stood in front of him.
It seemed to be the same height as Stiles, and as he stepped closer he could make out a young girl who smiled sweetly at the boy. She was adorned in a white dress, and two white feathery wings hovered behind her.
"Who are you?" Stiles asked, his hands clasped together nervously.
"I'm y/n. You asked for a friend... and Heaven sent me." You smiled.
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, taking in the cute girl in front of him. He couldn't believe Heaven had sent him an Angel as a friend.
"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Stiles." He smiled goofily, making you laugh.
"Stiles, come with me." You said, taking hold of the boys hand and dragging him through the bushes of his garden heading out onto the road.
"What are we doing?" He asked, looking back at his house, hoping his Dad didn't check his room.
"Being kids!" You smiled, "you need to be a kid..."
You tapped him on the shoulder, "tag you're it!" You said before running away from him.
"Hey! No fair!" Stiles yelled as he ran after you down the quiet road outside of his home. As he went to tap your back you jumped, your wings propelling you into the air, the young boy stared after you in awe.
"Okay, that's definitely against the rules!" Stiles exclaimed as you giggled as you twirled through the air, you floated down towards him, taking his hands.
"Do you trust me?" You asked.
"Do I have a choice?" He responded.
"Not really." You smiled before pulling him up into the air with you.
Stiles gasped as his feet left the ground and it disappeared below him, then he looked up at you smiling at him, "this is so cool!"
"I know!" You giggled, you circled his neighbourhood in the sky before going back to the ground.
Both of you walked back to his garden through the hole in the bushes, you stood with Stiles, "I know you're sad about your Mom, Stiles, but she wants you to be a kid... and have fun. She wanted you to know she loves you so much."
Stiles stared at you wide-eyed, "you spoke to her?"
"Only for a moment." You said softly.
His chocolate-brown eyes teared up slightly, "will you tell her I miss her? and I love her too."
"She already knows, Stiles. She'll always be watching over you."
Stiles looked up at the sky sadly, "I love you, Mom."
You bit your lip, trying not to cry. Angels weren't allowed to cry in front of their assigned humans.
"Stiles... I need to go." You said quietly.
"Do you have to?" He asked.
You nodded.

dylan o'brien imagines
Fanfictionimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski