oscar season | dylan

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"And the winner is.... y/n l/n!" The presenter read out from their cue card, you stepped up on stage graciously and accepted your award, giving a short speech and smiling at the camera before going backstage.

Dylan watched at home on his couch, his dogs barked at the television as they saw you onstage, he couldn't help but smile as you collected your reward, his eyes were mesmerised by you the whole time.

"That's my girl." He mutters under his breath, you and Dylan had become close friends on the set on Teen Wolf but he'd always been too nervous to tell you how he really felt.

Backstage you were full of adrenaline, excited that you'd won your first oscar, you looked around at all of the people who congratulated you and smiled back. But none of them were the person you wanted to see.

Dylan checked the time on his phone, muttering profanities as he realised he was late to work because he'd stayed to watch you accept your award that he knew you'd win.

When he arrived on set his makeup artists ushered him into his trailer so they could make him look as if he'd had more than an hours sleep, he wouldn't have missed watching the oscars for anything.

After hours of filming, Dylan relaxed in his trailer, strumming a few chords on his guitar. He looked up when he heard his door creak open, revealing your smiling face.

"Hey-" you barely got to say anything before Dylan rushed over and swung the door open and picked you up, spinning you around.

"You did it!" He smiled, looking extremely proud.

"I did." You chuckled, realising his arms were still wrapped around you. Dylan was completely oblivious.

In the moment he leaned towards you, his eyes quickly flicked down towards your lips, then he kissed you. It was as if the world stopped for a brief moment, his lips collided with yours. It was slow and tender, just as you'd dreamed it would be.

Dylan pulled away slowly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that!" he stutters, realising what he'd just done.

You shook your head, "you don't know how long I've waited for you to do that." You smile at him before cupping his face with your hands and kissing him.


dedicated to starryeyedturtle :)

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