creating this because a lot of people constantly ask who certain characters are and hopefully this will help! (and maybe you can check the films/shows out too!) i'll add his other ones too :)
dylan o'brien ( actor )
stiles stilinski ( teen wolf: tv show )
stuart twombly ( the internship: movie )
thomas ( the maze runner: movie )
mitch rapp ( american assassin: movie )
the guy ( new girl: tv show, one episode )
jimmy ( the high road: movie )
trevor ( sweety: a youtube series )
dave hodgeman ( the first time: movie )
peter ('first dates' web series with toby harris: one episode 'roommates' )
i'll put this at the start of this book so i hope this helps if you come across a character you don't know! ❤️
p.s caleb ( deepwater horizon ) isn't in here because i don't write imagines/preferences on him as he is a real person.