first kiss | moviekidd826

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Running off of the bus as soon as it reached the bust stop in front of his house, Dylan raced into his house and went straight to his room and opened his laptop— ready to make another youtube video with an idea that had been spinning around in his head all day in school.

He wanted to make a short film, and he had his camera ready— the only problem was that he didn't have anyone to be the second character he had in mind. All of his friends from school lived too far away, he sighed as he sat outside on the steps of his house wondering what to do.

He'd ran out of options until the neighbours car pulled up next door.

He hadn't spoken to you in a couple of months, since you went to a different school you barely got to see each other. But you'd been friends for years, he just hoped you'd be open to doing a video with him.

As soon as he saw you get out of the car he bounded over to you, "hey, y/n!"

You turned around to see Dylan, he always made you smile whenever you saw him— with his hair in a buzzcut and his adorable smile, you couldn't help but have a slight crush on him.

"Hey, Dyl!" You smiled, "what's up?" You asked as you glanced down at him holding his camera.

"Uh, well... I was wondering if you wanted to make a video with me?" He asked.

"For your YouTube channel?"

Dylan frowned slightly, not remembering telling you about it, "wait, you know about it?"

"Your sister told me about it, I love watching your videos." You laughed.

"Oh!" He said, feeling slightly embarrassed that you'd seen them.

"I'd love to be in one of your videos, let me just go and get changed out of these." You said as you gestured to your gym clothes.

"Okay!" He said, "I'll just be over there." He gestured to his garden.

You smiled before heading inside and up to your bedroom, putting away your school bag.

You changed into a pair of a jeans and a cute t-shirt, tidying your hair and make-up so that you looked good. Mostly for the camera, but a part of you wanted to look good for Dylan too.

Heading outside you joined Dylan, "just tell me what do."

Dylan laughed, "okay."

He gave you an outline of what he wanted to play out, and told you to improvise your lines. You had no problem with it as you were taking drama in school, and Dylan was naturally talented at improv so you bounced off of each other.

At the end of the film, the two characters were to kiss, which led to a lot of laughter and awkwardness.

Dylan stopped laughing for a moment, reaching up slowly and resting his hand on your cheek, "is this okay?"

You nodded, biting your lip nervously, you'd never admit it but this would be your first kiss— and the fact that it was with Dylan made it much more nerve-wracking.

He got closer to you and kissed you, his lips were soft and the kiss was everything you'd dreamed it'd be.

When he pulled away, his honey-brown eyes gazed into yours, "was that okay?"

"More than okay." You smiled, you could see him blushing slightly which made you like him ever more.

Later that evening after finishing filming your scenes, you headed to his room with him to watch him edit the video.

"You know you're so talented, Dyl. I wouldn't be surprised if you became a huge movie star one day." You said, resting your head on his shoulder as you sat besides him on his bed.

He couldn't help but smile, at both your compliment and the fact you were leaning on him, "thanks, y/n."

Soon he was editing the kiss and you could see him grinning to himself as you looked up at him.

"You know... that was my first kiss." You said quietly.

He stopped editing and looked over at you, "it was?"

You nodded, "yeah."

His eyes widened, "oh... are you sad that I was your first kiss?"

"What? No, Dylan. The exact opposite, I'm happy. I'm glad it was you." You said, smiling at how flustered he looked.

"You are?!"

"I've always kinda had a crush on you." You admitted.

"Woah," He said, he was shocked that someone as pretty as you would like him, "I really like you too, y/n."

"I kinda guessed." You laughed.

"How?" He asked nervously.

"You would always get shy and nervous around me, but over time you got more comfortable around me." You replied.

Dylan smiled, "yeah..."

"So what do we do now?" You asked.

He shrugged, "we can see where it goes? Maybe I could take you on a date?"

"I'd like that." You said softly, leaning your head back on his shoulder— both of you staying like that for a while until you both eventually fell asleep together after he finished editing.


two more imagines left and this book is finished! xo

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