on your period

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someone requested this a while ago soooo...
enjoy :)

dylanif he knows it's that time of the month, he'll always give you more attention. he'll bring you chocolates, flowers and occasionally he'll skip work just to stay home and be with you where you cuddle on the the sofa and watch films.

stiles — when you're in school at this time, he'll constantly text you and check on you. every lunchtime he'll take you to the lacrosse field where you both sit and eat all of the junk food he's been carrying around in his backpack all day.

mitch — despite his hard, cold exterior, whenever he notices you in pain or upset he immediately drops everything and will do anything to make you better. chocolate, candy and everything you can imagine.

thomas — being the only girl in the glade, you didn't have anyone to relate to or talk to about girl problems. but thomas, being your best friend and boyfriend went out of his way to make sure you were okay and specially requested your favourite meal from frypan on those days of the month.

dave — being the sweetest boyfriend on earth, as soon as you text him that you aren't feeling great he turns up at your home with ice cream and your favourite film so that you can sit in bed and watch it together.

stuart — you knew your boyfriend wasn't a hopeless romantic, but it didn't stop him showing a softer side when you weren't feeling well- he turned up at your apartment early and made pancakes, then smothered you in hugs and kisses which was rare affection from the boy. he just wanted to make you feel better in every way and he'd continue doing so for the rest of your lives together.



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