Sitting in the Stilinski's living room waiting for Stiles to get ready for your date, you noticed Noah sifting through books on the bookshelf, muttering to himself.
"Now, where did I put that..." he mumbled, running his fingers along the spines of the books. You watched him pull out a large brown leather book, "ah, here it is."
Noah turned around to you and grinned, "y/n, I don't believe I've shown you these."
You watched him with interest as he walked over to you on the couch, he sat down next to you and he flipped the first page of the book open carefully revealing polaroid pictures of an adorable baby.
"Is that..." you trailed off, your heart filling with joy at the sight of the pictures.
"Stiles." Noah chuckled softly.
"He was so cute!" You exclaimed, running your fingers over the pictures gently.
He turned the page and the pages were full of baby Stiles with a young woman. Noah sighed.
"Is that Claudia?" You asked, Stiles had told you about his mom only a few times as it hurt talking about her but you'd never seen pictures of her.
Noah nodded, "yes." He replied sadly before turning the page, the pictures changed to a young boy, Stiles, playing in a sandbox with another familiar looking boy.
"Oh my gosh!" You gasped, recognising the boy as Scott.
"Ah, they loved that sandbox." Noah said reflectively, as if remembering all of the memories he was looking at.
He continued turning the pages until he stopped at a picture of Stiles and his baseball bat, "did he ever tell you his mom bought him that bat? That's why he loves it so much."
You smiled softly, knowing it must be hard for him to talk about his wife.
The sweet moment was interrupted by a loud groan,"please tell me you haven't shown her those."
"Sorry, son, you're just too... as y/n put it, cute." Noah laughed.
Stiles muttered something inaudible under his breath until you got up and walked over to him, "ready to go, Stiles?"
He nodded hastily, you turned back to his dad and smiled, "thank you, Noah, maybe you can show me the rest sometime."
"Right, lets go!" Stiles said, placing his hand on your back and guiding you out before poking his head back into the living room, "dad."
"Son." The sheriff nodded.
Stiles rolled his eyes before leading you outside.
"I don't know why you're so embarrassed, Stiles, it was sweet." You said as you got into his jeep.
He ran his hand through his hair nervously, "I don't know... I just thought if you saw them you would treat me differently."
"Are you serious?" You laughed, "why would I?
"Because of the pictures of my mom... I don't want you to feel sorry for me." He muttered.
"Stiles..." you reached over and took hold of his hand, "I would never treat you differently, I really liked seeing pictures of you, I felt like I got to know you more."
He sighed, "I'm sorry, y/n, maybe I just wasn't ready to see them myself."
"Maybe we can look at them, all three of us, later?" You asked.
"I'd like that," He nodded, glancing across at you, he leaned over and pressed his lips against yours, "now lets go on that date." He grinned.
sorry for the constant stiles' imagines, more characters coming soon :)

dylan o'brien imagines
Fanficimagines about dylan o'brien & his characters :) #10 in stiles stilinski