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He has to sit back and watch as your boyfriend broke up with you, he knew it was going to happen as he'd overheard it earlier in the day but if he told you he didn't want to be the one to hurt you.
Instead he sat and waited until your now ex-boyfriend walked off and then he looked away, you saw Stiles waiting in his new car after he'd given Scott the jeep.
You walked over to him, tears staining your cheeks, neither of you said a word as he opened the car door for you to get in.
He didn't say anything, instead he just drove around Beacon Hills for hours until he eventually drove back to your house.
"Is it okay if you come inside? I don't want to be alone tonight." You whispered.
"Sure." Stiles nodded, getting out of his car and opening the passenger door for you.
He followed you up to your room in silence, you both knew there was nothing either of you could say to make it better.
You got changed into a long t-shirt and Stiles took off his jacket and shoes, he watched as you crawled into the bed, hating how sad you were.
You felt a dip in the other side of the bed as Stiles got under the covers next to you, that was when the tears started to fall.
Arms wrapped around you and held you tight as you sobbed, his fingers running through your hair gently.
Before you fell asleep you heard Stiles mutter something, hoping you were already asleep.
"I can't believe I ever let that idiot treat you this way... I wish I had taken my chance to tell you how I felt earlier, I'm sorry y/n."
Instead of replying you simply wrapped your arms around him, his hands rubbing your back soothingly. You promised yourself you'd confront him that morning about what he said, and maybe you'd have the courage to tell him how you really felt.