first date | dave

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Dave waited outside of your house nervously, shoving his hands in his pockets as he waited for you

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Dave waited outside of your house nervously, shoving his hands in his pockets as he waited for you.

When he heard the front door open he immediately whipped his head around to take in the outstanding beauty standing in front of him, "wow." He gasped.

You smiled at his reaction, "hi, Dave."

"H-hey, y/n... you look..." he gulped, struggling for words.

You giggled, closing the door behind you, then turned back to him, "you were saying?"

"Beautiful." He said, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Thank you, Dave," You smiled softly, "so where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." He chuckled.

When you both reached his car he opened the passenger door for you, you got inside as he rushed around to the drivers side.

"Uh, what music do you like?" He asked, turning the radio up slightly.

"You know what music I like, Dave, please don't be nervous around me- we've been best friends forever." You said, exaggerating the 'forever'.

You'd been best friends for years and Dave finally built up the courage to ask you out on a date since he had developed feelings for you.

He nodded, "right."

He still remained nervous for a while as he really liked you and he didn't want to lose your friendship if this dating thing didn't work out.

Your favourite song came on the radio and you turned it up, singing along as Dave drove along, "come on, Dave, you know you want to sing along!"

A slight grin appeared on his lips as his fingers tapped the steering wheel, then he loosened up and sang the chorus with you, just like he usually did.

When he pulled into a parking lot you recognised the place immediately, your favourite restaurant that served the best milkshakes.

He parked up and again rushed to your side and opened the door for you, "thank you, Dave."

You reached out for his hand as you walked towards the restaurant, he intertwined his fingers with yours.

Dave expected the hand-holding to feel weird, but it felt natural, as if his hands belonged in yours.

In the restaurant you and Dave talked and laughed as you usually did when you went out, completely forgetting that it was a date until you ordered a milkshake.

"Do you want one, Dave?" You asked sweetly, he shook his head but you knew he'd want some of yours anyway, ''make that two straws."

Dave raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, instead he simply reached over and took hold of your hand, running his thumb over the top of your hand.

"I'm really glad we did this." He said after a while.

"Me too, I always felt there was more to us, you know?" You admitted.

He nodded, feeling all of the nerves he had previously felt leave his body, knowing you felt the same.

"I know." He smiled.

The waiter brought your milkshake over with two straws, you placed them both in the shake and took a sip, "mm." you moaned softly.

You saw Dave's eyes widen, then he composed himself, "may I?"

You nodded as he leaned forward and took a long, loud, slurp, making you nearly choke on your milkshake.

"Sorry." He grinned.

"Oh stop." You laughed.

Later on when you'd finished the milkshake you both walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, you felt the chill of the air and shivered slightly.

He shrugged off his jacket and draped it around your shoulders, "here, you pull that off way better than me."

"Thank you, Dave... you're always so sweet and that's what I love the most about you." You smiled.

"Y/n," he turned to you, looking at you with his honey, brown eyes, "I really do like you."

"I really like you too, Dave." You said, looking at him hopefully, you eyes flickered down to his lips as he slid his tongue over them quickly.

"Can I-" he started to say but you cut him off by  stepping onto your tiptoes and kissing him.

He moaned softly as you did, he'd been waiting for this moment for years.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carefully placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him.

After a while you both pulled apart to breathe, "lets go home, shall we?" He asked quietly.

You nodded as he placed his hand on the small of your back as he led you back to his car.


no more exams = more updates!
plus, I was wondering... what do y'all think about smut? because I have so many ideas but if you guys don't want to read that it's fine ;) <3

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