Part 16- First Day:2

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His file was ready and placed neatly on his table. It was time to go to the boardroom. I wish Chantel could guide me on this one. I walked in and there were a couple of businessmen and women seated. John-Henry wasn't in yet. Everybody seemed so cocky. I felt like an outsider but didn't show it.

John Henry walked in and indicated I should sit next to him. So I did. He began the meeting and I did my best to take the notes.

When the meeting was adjourned I went into my office. A couple of seconds later, he knocked on my door and came in without my consent.
"How come you didn't use a laptop for the minutes?"
"Oh I don't have one but I will make a plan to get one."
"No, don't sweat. The company will give you one. I will make sure of that."
"Thanks a lot, would appreciate it."
"It's almost lunch, feel free to do what you want. Just be back after 2 hours."

I smiled.

It was lunch time and I decided to go sit in the cafeteria. There weren't a lot of people there. Just the cleaners and people who perhaps painted offices.

I saw Charlotte walk in. I didn't expect to see her here. It didn't look like her section. Infact she was coming to me!

"Hi." she said.
"So is this where I will always find you during lunch when I need you."
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Cool... Look I don't mean to come off as jealous or anything but John-Henry will break your heart."
"What do you mean?"
"I see the way he looks at you."
"Oh no, not me. He wouldn't even think about it. There is nothing going on."
"You sure."
"I'm positive."
"Keep it that way. Let me not be in your way. I have an Italian restaurant waiting for me this lunch. Toodles." She walked away.

I wasn't sure what she wanted.

It was time to head back to the office. I walked in and closed my door. John-Henry knocked and came in again.

"I have been meaning to tell you. The dress you're wearing looks beautiful."
"Thanks." I blushed. "My boyfriend bought it for me."
"Boyfriend, huh? How long have you been together?"
"It's been years. Over 12 now." I blushed.
"So you guys are getting married,soon l suppose?"
"No. Not that I know of his plans to wed me but so far there is no wedding."
"Mhmm such a beautiful girl like you? Not married?"
"It will happen at the right time. Is there anything I can help you with?"
"I was hoping we'd go out and look for the laptop together. The company has run out so I will cash it out for you."
"Oh no you don't have to."
"Ay, come on. You're quite nice it's the least I can do to say thank you for being productive today."
"I'll pass. Tomorrow?"
"You promise?"
"I swear."
"Fine then. I'm in my office if you need me."
He winked at me.

This man was attractive. There was just more I couldn't figure out about him.

Later that afternoon, Bandz came to pick me up. John-Henry was outside as well.

"Miss Palmer is that your lucky guy?"
"Oh yes. Baby come meet my boss, Mr.Smith."
"No, please call me John. Good evening sir." He said to Bandz.
They shook hands and had a short conversation but I caught the last part of it.

"This one. Is rare to have. Keep her close. You're a lucky man, Bandz. Bandz, right?"
"Yes, short for Benedict. I will sure keep her close. It was pleasant meeting you John. Keep well."
Bandz and I drove home.

Later that evening Bandz and I were stuck in the bedroom having a conversation about how my day went.

"Baby. It is so amazing. Everybody seems cool. Charlotte seems creepy but it's nothing that bothers me. "
"Really my babe?"
"Mhm hmm. Oh by the way babe. Mr. Smith is going to buy me a laptop tomorrow. I was writing my notes down and he thought it would be best I get a laptop."
"You didn't tell him you'd buy one?"
"I did but he insisted,so I couldn't say no."
"I see."

The look in Bandz's eyes changed.

"Is anything the matter,dear?"
"Oh okay. I hope I didn't say anything to upset you."
"No. Goodnight." He slipped into bed without turning to me.

I wondered what I did wrong but I figured he would be fine in the morning when he woke up.

"Yes babe?"
"Never mind. "

I kissed his forehead and also went into bed to sleep.

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