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1.26.17 AMACon4 - Day 25: English FF - The last survivor finally heard a knock on the door


"Manong, are we there yet?"

"Ah, no, Sir. After this one big island, there is another island and another. That's where we're going"

Richard nodded to the fisherman that he paid for, to take him to the Bull Island. It's a locationhe found, after months of searching, just for her.

He adjusted his dark rimmed eye glasses. It's a disguise he needed to put on. Along with his coat and tie, black slack and backpack.

"What's your name again, Sir?"

"Ah, Anselmo, Manong"

The fisherman smile at him. "Sir Anselmo, what brings you to our island?"

Richard adjusted his backpack as he answer, "I heard that your island is very beautiful and I got interested"

"In that attire, Sir?"Obviously the man notice the awkwardness of his outfit in the environment.

He laughed forcefully. "I was in a hurry"

"I figured...but that's not the real reason, right? Because our island will not go away. This will always be here whether you hurry or not"

Richard knew what the man was trying to ask. He was fishing for information. Probably, something to pass by to other fisherman once they asked about the man that he took on the island. He sighed. "I was looking for my girlfriend. Someone I know, said that she's here"

"Aha! So you're following her, all in the name of love" the fisherman said gleefully.

Oh, great! He is a romantic.What Richard said is an alibi but he has to make it believable for the fisherman's story to spread.

"Yes, we had an argument and the next thing I know, she's already out of the country"

"Don't worry. Coming here and looking for her will surely gives you a plus point. Sincerity is really the key"

Richard nodded in agreement. When he did not said anything further, the fisherman finally remained silent. He must have been content with the"all-for-the-love" answer Richard has given him.

It was a couple more hours before they finally arrived on the island of his destination. The fisherman informed him of the schedule of arrival of boats which is tomorrow morning.

"Thank you, Manong!"

"Good luck, Sir Anselmo!"the fisherman said as he salute to Richard.

"Good luck to myself, indeed" he whispered. He went out of the coastline and walk to the house near the cliff. That's where his purpose are. Nicomaine, I hope you're okay.

"Mommy! Mommy! Someone's knocking on the door!"

"Wait! RJ! Don't---"Maine tried to stop her son but it was too late. He has already opened the front door.

She quickly runs after him. Wondering who could possibly be visiting them since she has not yet informed her friends on where is their new home. She was at the back, drying the laundry and she was about to start preparing for dinner when someone knock on the front door.

"RJ, I told you---"her words hang in the air when she saw who was on the door.

"Hello, Nicomaine"

MomentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon