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Simon's POV: A Few Hours Later...

After a few hours of her screaming, crying/sobbing, and kicking, she's finally calmed down. "How about we talk outside?" I suggest to the two women. "Sure." They nod as they follow me out.

"She's going to get better, right?" Her friend asks. "Yes." I nod. "You promise?" Her mother asks. "I promise." I nod again. "So, what now?" Her mother asks. "She needs rest, for now," I begin. "I'll call you if anything happens, okay?" I say as I look at the two. "Okay." Her friend nods. "Here. Take this." I say to them as I pass them my card with my number on it. "Call me whenever." I say with a small smile. "Okay." Her friend nods. "Alright." Her mother sniffs. "Now, go home and rest yourselves. Okay?" I say as we walk down the corridor towards the exit. "Will do." They both nod. "Good." I smile. "Can we come back tomorrow?" Her friend asks. "Sure." I say. "I just needs your names, that's all, so I know." I say as I get my notepad out. "I'm Faye. Jessica's mother." The older woman says. "And I'm Layla. Jessica's friend." The younger one says. "Okay." I nod with a smile. "Please help her, doctor." Layla says. "Call me Simon. And, I will." I say as I look down at her. "Okay." She nods. "Now, get going." I smile at them. "Night, Simon." Faye smiles at me. "Night you two." I smile back. They wave at me before turning around and walking towards the car park. Once they're out of sight, I walk back inside the hospital.


"Simon!" Josh shouts as he runs towards me. "What?" I ask. "It's Jessica. She refuses to calm down until you're in the room." He says whilst panting. "Okay." I nod before rushing towards her room.


"Jessica?" I call out as I walk in. "You kept ignoring me." She sobs. "I needed to talk to your mum and friend." I say as I sit next to her. "Why?" She asks. "So I can know you better." I say softly. "But you already know me Si." She says as her voice cracks. "I wanted to know you even better." I softly mutter. "Oh..." She mumbles. "Now, why don't you get some rest, yeah?" I say as I stand up. "Can't you stay with me?" She asks. "No, sorry." I sigh. "Why not?" She asks. "I'm very busy today." I explain. "Tomorrow?" She asks. "Maybe." I smile at her. She doesn't say anything; she just nods. "Now, get some rest, Jessica." I say as I walk towards the door. "Okay." She nods. "Goodnight." I smile at her. "Night, Si." She smiles back before closing her eyes.

I sigh as I quietly walk out and close the door. 


"Poor girl." Tobi mutters as we sit in the break room. "I know." I mutter back. "I honestly feel so sorry for her." Harry chimes in. "Same." Josh mutters; agreeing with Harry. "Well, she'll be better soon." I say as I look at everyone. "Hopefully." Josh sighs. "No, she will be." I say, keeping positive. "So, what're you going to do with her tomorrow, Si?" Harry asks. "I'll ask what this Mr. Minter is like, I guess." I state. "Plus, her mum and friend are coming in. They'll help me, along the course of a few weeks, convince her that this Mr. Minter isn't real." I explain. "Technically, Mr. Minter is real." Tobi says. "How so?" I ask. "Technically you're Mr. Minter." He says. "You know what I mean, Tobi." I say, rolling my eyes. "I know." He chuckles. 


Early release for you guys! :)

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