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Large Time Skip: Tuesday. Release Day.

Jessica's POV

I sit eagerly waiting for Simon, or a doctor or nurse to give me, and my mum, the all clear. The all clear saying I can leave, and go home.

For the first time in ages, I'm wearing my own clothes; a pair of black shorts, a white belly top, some white converse, and a black zip-up hoodie. God, doesn't it feel good.

"I wanna leave now, mummy." I comment, breaking the silence. "I know you do, sweetie." My mum sighs. "Then why can't I?" I whine. "No-ones given you the all clear yet, darling." My mum says. "What's taking them so long?" I ask. "I don't know, Jess." My mum sighs. I get the feeling she's already fed up with me asking so many questions, or whining.

I go to say something when Simon walks in. A smile on his face. "You're free to go, Jess." He smiles. I squeal with excitement as my mum, and Simon help me into the wheelchair I've been given.

Yes... I still can't walk that well. It hurts to, in all honesty. But, I'll be doing physio soon to help me, which is good.


My mum walks next to me as Simon pushes me towards the exit. How sweet of him.

I look back at him to see he's not wearing his lab coat. Odd.

"Simon," "Yes, Jess?" He asks. "Why aren't you wearing your lab coat?" I ask. Curiosity in my voice. A light chuckle escapes his lips. "I'm taking you home, as your mums car is at the garage." He says. "Oh," I hum. "Thank you." I smile up at him. He smiles down at me. "For what?" He asks. "Everything. Looking after me. Being so caring. And now, taking me and my mum home." I list. "Anything for you, my dear." He smiles lovingly.


We pull up outside my house. I smile widely as I open the car door. I watch as Simon rushes round to me, whilst my mum grabs my wheelchair.

With one swift motion, Simon scoops me up into his arms. I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck so I don't fall. He then places me carefully into the wheelchair. All 3 of us then walk towards, and into the house.

"Ah, home sweet home." I hum as my mum pushes me into the lounge. Simon happily sits down on the couch next to me. "It's lovely." He smiles as he looks around the room. "Thanks." I hum. "Anytime." He hums back.

Meanwhile, my mum is in the kitchen, probably making food for us all.


A few minutes later, my mum walks in.

"I have to go to work, dear." She says. I sigh, "okay." "I'll be back soon." She smiles. "Mhm." I hum. She then walks out the house.

"I'll stay with you, Jess." Simon smiles. "But you have work." I comment. "No I don't. I finished work about 30 minutes ago." He says. "Oh," I hum. "Fair enough." I shrug. He chuckles.

"Now, how's about giving me a kiss, aye?" He smirks. I smirk back at him, "come here then."


If you want to, you can check out my new fanfic that's out.

It's called: innocent

It's my first Zerkaa/Josh fanfic.

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