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Time Skip: Weeks Later... 7 Days Before Graduation

"I can't believe we graduate soon!" Jessica squeals in excitement as her and Layla sit in her [Jessica's] room. The small, flatscreen t.v playing in the background. "I know!" Layla also squeals in excitement. "Then it's off to college." Jessica smiles widely. "Oh, you're going to college." Layla hums. "Aren't you?" Jessica asks, confused. "No," Layla shakes her head. "I'm going straight to work." Layla says. "Where?" Jessica asks. "At the local animal shelter." Layla smiles. "Awe," Jessica coos. "That's amazing, Lay." Jessica says. "I guess." Layla says. "Well, I'll be going to college to carry on with what I love doing," "Which is?" Layla asks. "Music." Jessica smiles widely. "That's great, Jess." Layla smiles.


"See you soon, Lay!" "See you soon, Jess!" "I love you, Lay!" "Love you too, Jess!"


"Jessica," "Yes, mummy?" "Someone is here to see you. Can they come in?" "Yeah!" Jessica shouts, knowing exactly who it is her mum is on about.

Seconds later, Simon walks in holding some white roses and a giant teddy bear. "Oh my lord." Jessica gasps as Simon places the giant bear down by her desk. "Like it?" He asks with a cheesy grin. "I love it. Thank you." Jessica smiles widely. "Anytime, m'lady." Simon chuckles as he hands her the flowers. "My favorite flower. How did you know?" "Lucky guess, I suppose." Simon says as he sits down next to her.

Jessica places the flowers on her bedside table before engulfing Simon into a massive hug. "You're amazing, Si." Jessica mumbles into his shoulder. He chuckles lightly, "so are you, love."

They pull away from one another - but they stay close together. Simon places his hand on her thigh lightly, not wanting to hurt her - as her legs still hurt when standing for long periods of time, walking at all, or when something/someone makes contact with them harshly. She rests her head on his shoulder whilst smiling widely. "I'm so excited," Jessica hums. "Why?" Simon asks. "I graduate really soon. 7 days to be exact." Jessica says. "I see." Simon hums. "You'll be there, won't you?" Jessica asks as she sits up and looks over at him. "Yeah." He nods. "You promise?" She asks. "I promise, babe." Simon smiles. She smiles back at him, "good."

"Isn't it also your birthday that day?" Simon asks. Jessica nods, "Yeah. I'll be 18." "I'll definitely be there then." Simon smiles. "Yay!" Jessica cheers.


Simon leans in and connects their lips together, taking Jessica completely off guard. She kisses back almost immediately however. Simon pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her waist. Jessica cups his face, deepening the kiss.

Heavy breathing fills the room as the 2 of them pull away from air - panting like dogs. They stare into each others eyes: his blue ones staring into her blue/green ones as they pant/gasp for air. "Jessica," Simon pants. "Hmm?" She hums. "I love you." He says. "I love you too, Simon." She pants back.


Hope you're enjoying this!

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