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6 Days Before Graduation...

"Only 6 days left now." Jessica smiles as her mum pushes her around the mall/shopping center. "My little girl is all grown up." Her mum comments. "I grew up ages ago, mum." Jessica sighs, making her mum, Faye, laugh. "I know you did." Faye says. 

"I want a new dress to wear for graduation." Jessica says. "Then we'll go and look for one then." Her mum says. "I want a tight fitting dress. Something that'll kinda show my body off." Jessica says, picturing the dress in her mind. "Why? It's not like you can walk, Jess." Her mum states. "But I can stand up, kinda." Jessica says. "True," her mum nods, agreeing. "I can use my crutches to help me stand." Jessica smiles. "True." Her mum nods. "I just wanna look more grown up, mum." Jessica sighs. "You do, honey." Faye insists. "I don't. I look 12. I wanna look at least a little older." Jessica sighs. "Okay." Faye sighs. "Also, I want to surprise Simon with it." Jessica smiles. "I see," her mum lightly chuckles. "You know. I wanna see him look at me in-" "Awe?" Her mum asks, cutting her off. "Yeah. Like he really wants me. You know?" Jessica nods. "Well, lets see what we find." Her mum says.


"This one?" Jessica asks as she hobbles out the changing room to show her mum. "No." Faye shakes her head. "Urgh!" Jessica groans for the millionth time. "Try that nude coloured dress on." Her mum says. "Okay." Jessica mutters.

With some difficulty, Jessica takes the black dress off, and changes into the nude one she picked out. She has a look in the mirror and smiles to herself. "I really like this one, mum." Jessica calls out. "Well let me see." Her mum calls back. And with that, Jessica hobbles out of the changing room to show her mum. "Like it?" Jessica asks. "Love it." Her mum smiles. "So, can I have this one, mum?" Jessica asks. "Yes you can." Her mum nods.


Now home, Jessica uses her crutches she left by the front door and hobbles slowly, and carefully up to her room, whilst carrying her new dress, new shoes to match the dress, and new make-up.

Once in her room, she places everything onto her bed before flopping down onto her bed. She then grabs her phone and texts Layla, showing her the dress she brought for graduation.

From Layla: That's so cute Jess!

To Layla: I know! I love it so much! I even got some matching shoes to go with it.

From Layla: Cute!

Jessica smiles to herself as she carries on texting Layla, before she gets interrupted by Simon calling her.

"What do you want, Si?" Jessica asks. "Hello to you too." Simon says. Jessica giggles, "sorry." "It's okay, Jess." Simon says. "What do you want anyway, Simon?" Jessica asks. "For you to come round mine tonight." Simon says. "May I ask why?" Jessica asks. "Because I wanna see you." Simon says, smiling on the other side. "Fine. Only if you pick me up as my mum will be at work." Jessica says. "Deal." Simon says. "Good." Jessica smiles. "Anyway, got to go." Simon says. "Work?" Jessica questions. "Unfortunately." Simon sighs. "Awe. Poor baby." Jessica coos. "I know." Simon sighs. Jessica giggles, "well, see you tonight." "See you tonight, babe." Simon says before hanging up.


"Mother!" Jessica calls out as she hobbles down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Yes?" Her mum asks. "Can I possibly stay at Simon's tonight?" Jessica asks. "Sure," her mum nods. "How are you getting there though?" Her mum asks. "He's picking me up, tonight." Jessica smiles. "Okay." Her mum nods.


That Night...

Her bag packed with some clothes in case she does end up staying the night. Wearing something nice; a white, slightly laced dress which isn't too tight and some white converse with her hair curled and natural make-up. She [Jessica] sits in her lounge waiting for Simon to turn up.

To Simon: Where are you? How long will you be?

From Simon: Nearly there. Just stuck in a bit of traffic at the moment.

To Simon: Okay. Stay safe.

From Simon: Will do, babe.

Jessica sighs as she locks her phone - playing with it in her hands.


5 minutes later, there's a knock on the door. "Coming!" Jessica calls out as she grabs her crutches. She slowly makes her way to the door, hoping it's Simon.

She opens the door to reveal indeed Simon. "Finally." Jessica smiles as she manages to grab her bag. "There was traffic." Simon sighs. "At this time?" Jessica questions. "There's roadworks happening." Simon explains. "Great." Jessica rolls her eyes. 

"Enough about that," Simon begins as he takes her bag from her. "You look stunning." Simon says in awe as he look up and down Jessica's body. "Why thank you, kind sir." Jessica laughs. "Anytime, m'lady." Simon smiles as they slowly walk to his car, which is just parked in the driveway. 

Jessica slowly, and carefully climbs into the passenger side whilst Simon throws her bag into the back before climbing into the drivers side. They buckle themselves in before heading off to Simon's place.

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