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That Night

Jessica's POV

"Jessica! I'm home!" The familiar yelling of my mum echos from downstairs. "Where have you been?!" I call out as I make my way downstairs. "Thomas needed help with something." She explains. "You left the front door unlocked, and you didn't answer my text!" I say. "I'm sorry, Jessica. I was just in a rush, and very busy." She says. I sigh, "not really a good enough excuse, but I'll take it." "What do I have to do for you to forgive me fully?" She asks. "Not do that again." I say like it's obvious. "Apart from that?" She asks. "Text me, if I'm out, that you're leaving so I don't panic when I come home." I say. "And apart from that?" She asks. "Order pizza." I say. She sighs, "alright."


Few Hours Later

Jessica's POV Still

After eating my pizza, I happily get changed into some comfy clothes; a pair of black shorts, a baggy, plain white t-shirt, and some white ankle socks. I then tie my hair up into a messy bun before lying down on my bed, phone in hand. I notice I have some texts; 1 from Simon and 1 from Layla.

From Simon: Is your mum home yet? If not, I'll keep looking. Text me as soon as you can.

To Simon: She's home. She came home a little while ago. Sorry for not texting sooner. Was too busy wondering and panicking.

From Simon: It's okay, at least she's home now. Now, why don't you get some rest.

To Simon: Okay. Same for you, mister.

From Simon: I will, don't worry. Love you.

To Simon: Good. Love you too.

. . .

From Layla: Is your mum home?! If not, I will come round with ice-cream and movies.

To Layla: She's home Lay... You can still come round with ice-cream and movies though.

From Layla: Too late! I'm now out with some peoples. Missed your chance.

To Layla: Rude!

From Layla: I'll come round tomorrow yeah?

To Layla: I'm out all day pretty much tomorrow. Maybe day after?

From Layla: Deal. Day after! So, see you then loser.

To Layla: See you then, weirdo.

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