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7 PM

7 PM rolls around, and Thomas, Faye's boyfriend or whatever has come round and is chilling in the lounge with Faye and Jessica.


Jessica's POV

"Come on Simon... Where are you?" I mentally ask myself as I check my phone every 2 seconds, in hopes that he's texted me or ringing me. And, just in luck, my phone starts buzzing. I look to see that Simon is ringing me. I smile as I quickly walk out the lounge.

"Hello Simon," I smile as I answer the phone. "Hello, Jessica." He responds. "Where are you?" I ask. "Literally just pulled up." He says. "Finally." I cheer as I grab my bag. "So, see you in a second." I smile. "See you in a sec." Simon says before hanging up. 

"Bye mum!" I yell. "Bye, love!" My mum shouts back. "Bye Jessica!" Thomas shouts. I roll my eyes, "Bye!" I yell before walking out the house, with my crutches, obviously.

I make my way over to Simon's car and climb in. I throw my bag, and crutches in the back out the way before buckling my seat-belt. "Ready?" He asks. I nod, "ready." 

We then make our way to his, for the second time in the space of 2 days.


"Why don't like him?" Simon asks as he drives down the empty road. "Like who?" I ask. "Your mum's boyfriend, or whoever he is." He says. I sigh, "I never have. Plus, he doesn't like me either. I dunno why." I explain. "Does your mum know?" He asks. "She's witnessed it. But, she continues to see him." I sigh. "Have you tried to get along with him?" Simon asks. "Yeah," I nod. He glances at me, "really?" "Kinda..." I mutter. "I tried, but then he pissed me off so I threw hot coffee all over him before storming off to Layla's." I explain. "You can't throw coffee at someone Jess." Simon says. "It was justified. He pissed me off." I say. "What did he do?" Simon asks. "Called me a whore. He also wished that I was dead." I sigh. "You're right, it was justified." Simon says. "See!" I yell. "Did you mum witness that?" He asks. "Every single part of it." I nod. "What did she say?" He asks. "I dunno. I stormed off right after I threw the coffee at him." I shrug. "All I know is that when I came back, he was gone." I say. "She may have kicked him out." Simon says. "I dunno. All I know is he came back the next day." I sigh. "Oh." Simon hums. "Yeah..." I sigh.

"On a happier note, we're at mine now." Simon says. "Finally." I smile.

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