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The rest of the day went by quickly. Faye (Jessica's mum) came back home with pizza and movies for them - Jessica and Simon - to enjoy before leaving for work.

Simon didn't stay the night due to starting work in the early hours of the morning. That meant, like usual, Jessica spent the night, home alone, in her room listening to music and singing along before eventually falling asleep. 


2 Day's 'til Graduation

"2 fucking days Jess! 2 fucking days!" Layla squeals as they - Jessica and Layla - sit in her back garden in the sun with food and drinks. "I know! I'm so excited!" Jessica cheers. "Is Simon coming to graduation?" Layla asks, curious. "He said he will." Jessica nods. "You think he won't?" Layla questions. "No, I think he will. It's just whether his job'll let him." Jessica sighs. "They will. Stay positive Jess." Layla reassures her. "I am. Well, I'm trying to." Jessica smiles.

"In other news," Layla begins. "What?" Jessica asks. "It's kinda bad news," Layla sighs. "What? Tell me." Jessica begs. "After graduation, I'm moving house." Layla says. "How far away?" Jessica asks. "To the outskirts of town." Layla says. "That's far!" Jessica whines. "I know." Layla sighs. "Why are you moving?" Jessica asks. "My mum got a new job, as did my dad." Layla explains. "Well, can't you live with your grandparents?" Jessica asks. "Jess, they live on the outskirts of town, remember?" Layla sighs. "Shit... I remember." Jessica sighs. "It's not the end of the world, Jess. I'll still visit you every weekend." Layla smiles. "I'll hold you to that." Jessica lightly chuckles. "You can, because I know that I will." Layla smiles.

. . .


Layla eventually, and reluctantly goes home to help her parents pack everything, ready for when they move away. 

Jessica sighs as she walks up to her room slowly, and carefully. She didn't go to physio as she was spending the day - well, most of the day - with Layla. She made sure to tell Simon last night before he left so he didn't question her the day after. Jessica promised to continue just walking around, exercising her legs. She's improved. She can now walk without crutches, just very, very slowly and carefully.

"Roll on graduation." Jessica mutters to herself as she flops onto her bed to take a long, well deserved nap.

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