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A Few Hours Later...

After a few hours of physio, Simon drops Jessica off back at hers before getting back to work - helping his other patients. 

"Will you come round later?" Jessica asks as she grabs her crutches. "Maybe. Depends what time I finish." Simon says. "Okay." Jessica nods. "Have fun, Si." Jessica smiles as she climbs out his car. "I'll try." Simon chuckles. Jessica giggles. "See you soon." She [Jessica] smiles. "See you soon, Jess." Simon smiles back at her before driving off.

Jessica watches as his car disappears before making her way inside.

. . .

"Mum! I'm home!" Jessica yells as she closes the front door. No answer. "Mum!" She [Jessica] yells louder. Still no answer. "Strange..." Jessica whispers to herself. "Mum! Where are you?!" Jessica yells as she makes her way into the kitchen. "Mum?" She calls out as she looks in the kitchen. No one. No answer. Nothing. "If she's not in, then why was the door unlocked?" Jessica asks herself as she makes her way to the lounge.

"Mum?" She calls out as she looks in the lounge. No one.

"Mum! Are you in?!" Jessica yells as she makes her way upstairs. "Mum! Answer me!" She screams as she makes her way to her [her mum's] room. "Mum?" She calls out as she pokes her head inside her [mum's] room. No one. No answer. Nothing.

"Where the fuck are you mum?" She asks herself as she makes her way to her own room.

. . .

Jessica's POV

I flop down on my bed. I grab my phone and text my mum to see where she is, and to tell her that she left the door unlocked.

To Mummy: Mum, where are you? If you've gone out - which I'm guessing you have - you left the front door unlocked. Text me once you get this.

I then decide to text Simon to see if he's seen her on the way back to the hospital.

To Simon: Hey, have you seen my mum on the way back to the hospital? She's not home. On top of that, she left the front door unlocked which is not like her. Text once you get this/when you can.

From Simon: Still on the way back to hospital. I've not seen her so far love. I'll keep my eye out for her, and if I see her, I'll tell her that you're looking for her.

To Simon: Thanks babe.

I then text Layla to see if she's seen her as well.

To Layla: Hey, have you seen my mum? She's not home and she left the front door unlocked which isn't like her as you know. Text when you can.

From Layla: Hey bud! No, I've not seen her. I'll keep my eye out for her though! Have you text her? And see if Simon will look for her too!

To Layla: Already text her, and Simon already is looking for her. Text me as soon as you see her, if you do. Also tell her that I'm worried about her if you do see her!

From Layla: Will do bud!

Kitten ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now