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Simon's POV

"How is she?" Josh asks as we sit in the break room. "Jessica?" I ask. "Yeah." He nods. "She's alright. She still thinks I'm that Mr. Minter guy. But, she's alright." I say as I run my fingers through my hair. "She's not acting crazy though is she." He lightly chuckles. "No, which is good." I smile at him. "Also, I managed to actually have a slightly normal conversation with her." I say as I throw my notepad on the table just in front of me. "That's good." Josh says. "Well, I managed to ask her some questions." I say. "Ah." Josh nods. "Her answers kinda... Scared me, I guess." I mutter. "How so?" He asks. "Well, I asked her to describe this Mr. Minter, and I told her to pretend that I'm someone else, and she basically described me. Her eyes were closed, like she was trying to fully remember as well." I explain. "Still, it could've been because you were in the room." Josh says. "True." I nod in agreement. "That's why I'm going to get her mum, Faye, to ask her the same thing and see what she says." I say. "Good idea." Josh says. 

"What else did you ask her?" Josh asks. "I asked her what she remembers before waking up in here." I say. "And?" He asks. "She remembers being in a car, with some guy. They were sitting in a empty car park. It was dark, roughly 8PM or so. Then she remembers seeing some bright lights, and some figures. Human figures." I say, reading from my notes.  "But, she had injuries sustainable to a car crash." Josh mutters in confusion. "I'm only telling you what she told me." I say in defense. "I know, I know." He says. 


Jessica's POV

"Mummy..." I mutter like a little kid as I look over at her. "Yes, dear?" She asks. "I miss Layla." I mumble. "I know you do, love." She says. "Is she coming to see me later?" I ask. "She should be." She says with a small smile. "Okay, that's good." I nod. 


Layla's POV

The classroom door opens, and Mr. Barn walks in. "Layla, your mum is at the front desk." He simply says, ignoring the teacher. My eyes light up and I quickly grab my things before rushing out, not bothering to say bye to the teacher. 

"Do you know why she's here?" Mr. Barn asks as we walk towards the front desk. "To take me to see Jessica." I beam in excitement. "Did she tell you that I asked her to come and take you out of school?" He asks. "Wait, you asked her to?" I ask in slight shock. "Mhm." He nods with a smile. "Thank you sir!" I smile brightly. "Anytime." He smiles back at me. 

As soon as we're at the front desk, I rush towards my mum, Carol. "Layla." Mr. Barn calls out. I turn around to face him. "Yes sir?" I ask. "Make sure to tell Jessica that we all miss her." He says with a small smile. "Will do." I say before turning back around and walking out with my mum. 


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