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❝I've been reading books of old.

The legends and the myths.

Achilles and his gold,

Hercules and his gifts,

Spiderman's control,

And Batman with his fists,

And clearly I don't see myself upon that list.❞

❝But she said, where'd you wanna go?

How much you wanna risk?

I'm not looking for somebody

With superhuman gifts.

Some superhero.

Some fairytale bliss.

Just something I can turn to.

Somebody I can kiss.❞

❝I want something just like this.❞

❝Oh, I want something just like this.❞

The soft melody of Jessica's voice hums throughout the old, dimly lit hospital room. To people walking past, the melody is muffled. The melody is quiet. Inaudible almost. But, it still sounds angelic. Still sounds beautiful. 


As Simon is walking towards her room, he can hear her soft angelic voice seeping through the cracks on the door. A smile locks itself onto his face. "Beautiful." He whispers very quietly to himself before walking into her room.

Jessica, not knowing that Simon as entered her room, keeps singing away. She moves her head along with the beat. Along with the melody. Along with the music. 

But, unfortunately like all songs, it ends. She looks up to see Simon, smiling in awe as he leans against the door frame. "How long have you been there for?" She asks as her face heats up. Her heart beating fast. "Long enough." Simon smiles brightly as he properly enters her room. "You could've told me you came in." She huffs. "I didn't want to distract you." He says. "You have a beautiful voice, you know." He softly says as he sits next to her. "Everyone always tells me that." She sighs. "Because it's true, Jess." He says. 

Their eyes lock. His piercing blue ones stare in awe into her blue/green ones. Silence takes over as the pair just stare at each other. 

"Beautiful. Just beautiful." Simon whispers, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "What's beautiful?" Jessica asks quietly; innocence wrapped between each word. Between each letter. "You are." He hums truthfully. "Thanks, I guess." She softly says. A soft smile presents itself on her face. "You're welcome, I guess." He lightly chuckles. "But, isn't this wrong?" She asks. "Huh?" He hums, not following. "Surely, you can't I guess... Come onto your patients like that Si." She says. A heavy sigh escapes his lips. "That's true." He nods. "Also, you're seventeen. I'm twenty-four. It'd be wrong anyway." He says. "That's true, I guess." Jessica sighs. 

Silence fills the room again. They avoid eye contact. They feel... Awkward. This is wrong. A doctor - a twenty-four year old doctor falling for a seventeen year old, and visa-versa. It is just wrong. But, as most people say, you can't help who you fall for. 

Kitten ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now