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The pair walk into Simon's house and go straight upstairs to his [Simon's] room. Jessica walks straight over to the bed and flops down, letting out a big, heavy sigh. Simon places her bag close to the bed before joining her; flopping down next to her. The pair just stare up at the ceiling in silence for a couple of seconds.

"I'm so tired." Jessica mutters, breaking the silence. "Go to sleep then." Simon mutters back. "But I need to get changed, and that's effort." Jessica sighs. "You don't need to get changed, Jess." Simon says as he looks over at her. "But I don't wanna sleep in my clothes. That's just weird in my opinion." Jessica says as she looks over at him. "Then get changed." Simon says. "Again, that's effort." Jessica sighs. "Or, just..." "Just what?" Jessica asks. "I dunno." Simon sighs.

"I'm just going to get changed. Fuck it." Jessica sighs as she sits up. "Thought it was effort?" Simon questions as he to sits up. "It is, but I wanna go bed." Jessica sighs as she stands up, and hobbles over to her bag. "Now, if you'd excuse me." Jessica says as she slowly walks over to Simon's bathroom. 

Simon watches as she closes the bathroom door behind her. He lets out a long sigh before lying back down. He just stares up at the ceiling as he waits for Jessica to come back out the bathroom.


Jessica walks out the bathroom to see Simon has fallen asleep. She smiles as she slowly walks over to the bed - her clothes in hand. She places her clothes on top of her bag before getting into bed, next to him.

"Goodnight, Simon." She whispers gently before falling asleep, almost immediately.


4 Day's 'til Graduation...

"Only 4 days left!" Jessica cheers as she slowly makes her way through the hospital along side Simon. "Indeed." Simon smiles down at her. "And I'm getting better at walking! I think..." Jessica says. "You are indeed, Jess." Simon says as they continue to walk through and around the hospital. "Do you think I'll be able to walk without crutches before graduation?" Jessica asks. Simon sighs, "possibly. I dunno, in all honesty." "I hope I can." Jessica says. "Well, work hard enough and you'll be able to." Simon says. "Oh don't worry, I will." Jessica smiles.

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