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1 Hour Later

Jessica's POV

"Urgh," I groan as I lift my head up slightly. I rub my eyes as my vision is slightly blurred. I look up at Simon to see him asleep. Light snores escape his lips, which are slightly parted. I smile to myself as I happily admire him - taking in his appearance. 

His once quiffed brown hair now lies flat on his head. His lips, chapped. His pale skin in contrast with my slightly darker skin: he looks like a ghost compared to me, kind of. His once prominent jaw is now replaced with a slight double-chin. It's cute. He's cute. I love him.

"Urgh," Simon groans as he begins to wake up. I watch as he rubs his eyes and stretch before looking over at me. "Hello." He says with his raspy/husky voice. I smile at him, "hello." "Since when did I fall asleep?" He asks. I shrug, "Could ask the same thing." "You fell asleep to?" He asks. I nod, "indeed I did." "We were obviously tired." He lightly chuckles. "Obviously." I giggle.

I sit up, as does Simon. I then stretch my arms out, which feel slightly numb after lying on them pretty much for awhile. I then let my hair down for a split second before putting it up into a messy ponytail whilst yawning. 

"Tired?" Simon asks, laughing. "Must be." I smile. "Go back to sleep then." He smiles. "But I need cuddles." I whine like a little girl. Simon opens his arms towards me, "come here then, Jess." He smiles. I smile widely as I crawl into his arms which instantly wrap around my body. I wrap my arms around his body also.

I nuzzle my face into his chest, making him laugh lightly. "You're warm." I mumble. "I am?" He questions. "Mhm," I hum. "Like a hot water bottle." I mutter. He laughs, "thanks, I guess." "Anytime, I guess." I hum. 

He lies back down, bringing me with him. I cuddle as close as humanly possible into him. "Comfy?" He asks. "Mhm." I hum sleepily. "Good." He whispers. 


Simon's POV

A few minutes later, light snores escape her lips. I smile warmly as I draw various different sized circles on her back. I plant a small kiss on the top of her head.

"Goodnight, Jessica." I whisper very quietly, not wanting to disturb her.

Feeling tired myself, I close my eyes in hopes to going to back to sleep, and in hopes to catch up on any missed sleep.

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