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Vik's POV

I pull up into the hospitals car park, and park my car somewhere pretty close to the main entrance. I sigh as I climb out. The cold, crisp wind hits me instantly, sending a shiver down my spine. "Fuck, it's cold." I whisper to myself as I shove my hands into my jackets pockets. Despite the fact that the sun is out, it's still pretty cold. Another sigh escapes my lips as I walk towards the entrance.

I look around to see people of all ages and sizes enter or exit the hospital. Some have hopeful, happy expressions on their faces. Others have not a glimmer of hope on their faces. 

Birds tweeting, mixed with the sound of cars humming, the hospitals doors opening and closing, people chatting, and the wind howling fills my eardrums. I don't really pay attention to them though. They're everyday sounds that pretty much everyone experiences. 


Jessica's POV

"Shouldn't Vik be here by now?" Layla questions as she finishes her drink. "Possibly." I shrug, not knowing the answer. A few seconds later, Simon walks in. "Ah, you are back." He smiles brightly as he walks in. "Came back about 5 minutes ago." I reply. "Well, I didn't see you walk back in." He says. "Anyway, Vik should be here in a minute." Simon says as he looks at both me and Layla. "Okay." Layla nods. 

As if on cue, Vik aka Mr. Barn walks in. "Afternoon everyone." Vik smiles as he walks in. "Afternoon Vik!" Layla beams out. "Afternoon." I smile back at him. "Afternoon, Vik." Simon nods. Vik chuckles lightly as he sits down next to Layla on the spare seat. "You guys want anything, whilst I'm here?" Simon asks. "No thanks." Layla shakes her head. "I'm alright, thanks." Vik says. "Better pillows." I simply say. Simon lightly chuckles at my response. "Okay, okay. I'll get you some better pillows." Simon says before walking out. 

"Anyway, how have you been Jess?" Vik asks. "Alright thanks." I smile at him. "Good." He smiles back at me. "Layla told me that you, and everyone else misses me." I say. "We do." He says. "Well, I miss everyone too." I softly smile. "Thought you would." Vik chuckles. "Also, thanks for the flowers, Vik." I thank him as I point to the flowers on my bedside table. The bunch with the little, pale pink card attached. "Well, you're very welcome." He smiles at me. 

"When do we graduate again?" I ask. My memory is a bit fucked, to put it lightly. "Pretty soon, actually." Vik says. "How soon though?" I ask. "Next month." He says. "The start or the end?" I ask. "Nearer the end." He says. "Okay, cool." I nod. "When do you get to go home?" Vik asks. "Couple of weeks." I smile. "Do you get to come back to school straight after?" He asks. "No. I'm not allowed back at school until I'm much better. That's what Simon said anyway." I explain. "Ah, okay." He nods.

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