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Morning: 1 Day 'til Graduation.

It's the morning: roughly 10 AM. Simon left at around 7 AM for work, leaving Jessica in her room alone. Her mother, Faye, is asleep as she didn't come home until 2 AM - later than usual, due to overtime.

"Right, so I have my dress, shoes, bag, makeup," Jessica lists everything; ticking them off her list she made. "Accessories: like a cute, little crown, bracelets, a cute, little ring," She continues to list everything. "And, I believe that's everything. Perfect." Jessica smiles to herself. "Now, time for food and Netflix." Jessica sighs as she makes her way to the kitchen to get something to eat.

. . .

Jessica's POV

I grab myself whatever I find: mainly chocolate and crisps (chips). I then grab a big bottle of Dr. Pepper before making my way back to my room to binge watch whatever on Netflix.



Whilst watching 13rw (13 Reasons Why), my phone buzzes. I groan as I grab my phone to see who's texted me. It's Layla.

From Layla: Got everything for graduation?

To Layla: Yeah. You?

From Layla: Just getting the last, few bits now :)

To Layla: Good, good. Now if you don't mind me, I'm binge watching shit on Netflix.

From Layla: Watch 13 Reasons Why!

To Layla: Already doing that!

From Layla: Good! It's really good! Enjoy, my friend.

To Layla: Will do, my friend.


Later, Later

After watching 13rw, I begin watching something random: that being RuPaul's Drag Race. Why? Because why not. It's something to do, as I have nothing else to do.

I mean, I could text Simon, but he's more than likely busy with work. Knowing him, he'll probably be round here later to rant and cuddle again. I don't mind though. I mean, I always let people rant to me - because I'm a good listener apparently - and I love to cuddle. So, I guess it's a win, win situation. 

Anyway, time for some RuPaul's Drag Race and chill. By myself. Because everyone else is busy. Fun.


Later, Later, Later.

I'm texting Simon. I'm bored and lonely.

To Simon: Simon... I'm bored, and lonely. Please come round. Bring food - preferably ice-cream.

From Simon: On my way :)

To Simon: Love you :))

From Simon: Love you to, loner :))

To Simon: Firstly, rude. Secondly, you can just walk in again like last night. :))

From Simon: Okay, babes. :))

To Simon: Good boy :)

From Simon: Only for you ;))

To Simon: Fuck off, mate :))

From Simon: Wow, friendzoned by my own girlfriend. Great.

To Simon: Loves you really, dork. :)))

From Simon: Love you too, weirdo :)))

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