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❝I'm in love with the shape of you.

We push and pull like a magnet do.

Although my heart is falling too,

I'm in love with your body.❞

Simon sings quietly to himself as he grabs his bag and coat. It's still pretty early - roughly 2PM - but that means it's the end of Simon's work shift, until 2AM tomorrow morning. 

"Leaving already?" The familiar voice of Tobi questions as he walks into the break room. "Yep. My shift is officially over for today." Simon hums as he turns to face his friend. "But, we're short staffed." Tobi says. "We are?" Simon - the lanky, dorky doctor questions. "Indeed we are." Tobi - the shorter, but still adorable doctor nods. "Fine. I'll stay." Simon sighs. "Great." Tobi smiles brightly. 

Simon reluctantly puts his coat and bag back down.

"What needs doing then?" Simon asks. "Curtis needs his medication. So does Jessica." Tobi says. "Okay." Simon nods before walking off to get everything.


Curtis's POV

"I hope Jessica's okay." I mumble to myself as I lean back in the uncomfortable hospital bed. 

Seconds later, the door slides open and in comes one of the many doctors that seem to always have to come in, Dr. Minter. "Ah, doctor Minter." I forcefully smile at him. I hate him. I heard he's Jessica's doctor. He gets to see her all the time. I don't. It's not fair. "Curtis." He simply says with a nod. His face, expressionless. "And what brings you here?" I ask. "Your medication." He says as he places the classic orange pot of pills onto the bedside table. "Ah, I see." I say as I pick up the pot. "A nurse or another doctor will be here soon with some food." He says. "Okay." I nod.

He begins walking out the room. "Wait!" I call out. "Hmm?" He hums as he faces me. "You're Jessica's doctor, right?" I ask. "Yes." He nods. "Why?" He asks. "How is she?" I ask. 

. . .

Simon's POV

Fuck it. I'm going to lie to this creep.

"Bad." I simply say. "How bad?" He asks. "Very bad." I say. "Will I be able to visit her once I'm out?" He asks. "Nope." I shake my head. "But, I'm her boyfriend." He says. 

I want to fucking rage. I won't. But, I want to.

"Only close relatives are allowed to visit her." I say as I force a 'sincere/sympathetic' smile at him. "Oh..." He sighs. "Can you at least tell her that I love her, and miss her?" He asks. "Sure." I nod before walking out.

❝Fucking creep.❞ I scoff before walking to Jessica's room, just a few doors down.

. . .

Jessica's POV

The door slides open, and in comes Simon. 

"Hey Simon." I smile warmly at him. "Hello, dear." He smiles back at me as he sits next to me. "What brings you here?" I ask. "Medication." He simply says as be places the familiar orange pot of pills on the bedside table. "Thanks." I say. "Anything for you." I smiles at me. 

. . .

"You seem distracted," I comment as Simon runs his fingers through his hair. "I do?" He questions. "Mhm." I hum. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Fucking Mr. Parker... Aka Creepy Curtis." He mutters. "What happened?" I ask. "He told me to tell you something..." He sighs. "What?" I ask. "That he loves you, and misses you." He says. "Well, I don't love or miss him, Si." I say. "Okay." He nods.

❝Now, how about a hug, Simon.❞ ❝I'd love one, Jessica.❞


You got to see what Mr. Parker is like a little bit! You're welcome. ✩

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