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Jessica's POV

Why do I feel like I'm in a horror movie? Think about it: I'm a young girl, stuck in a hospital whilst some fucking creep that's obsessed with me is in the same building. All we need now is some thunder, lightning, suspenseful music, other sound effects, and the power to go out. Oh, and for all the doctors and nurses to mysteriously vanish. Not to mention, a long ass build up until shit officially goes down. 

Feel my vibe yet?

. . .

"Fuck I'm cold..." I mumble to myself as I wrap the bed sheets around me, before leaning back against the pillows. "Maybe I can warm you up." I creepy voice mutters. "Huh?" I hum. "Who's there?" I ask.

See, I told you. Horror movie vibes.

"Me, baby girl. Curtis. You know, your boyfriend." He hums as he appears in the dim lighting. "Oh. H-hi Curtis." I stutter. 

How the fuck did he get here without being noticed?  

"Miss me?" He asks as he sits on the end of the bed. "Y-yeah." I stutter. "Liar." He harshly says. "Look, Curtis. I'll be honest here, I can't remember shit. Heck, I didn't remember you until like a day or so ago." I sigh. "How could you not remember me, princess?" He asks. His tone, soft and gentle. "Something called memory loss, and possible head trauma." I say in a 'matter of fact' tone. "Oh, I apologize love." He sighs. "I-it's okay." I say, stumbling over my words slightly.

"Anyway, how'd you get here without being noticed?" I ask. "Oh, I got noticed," he lightly chuckles. "I just told the nurse that I was seeing you. Seeing my girlfriend." He smiles. His dark, hazel/brown eyes staring righting into my blue/green ones. "I see." I nod. A nervous laugh escapes my lips.

He's a low-key serial killer, I swear. He's really creepy and just has that killer vibe. You get me?

"You should go Curtis. It's late, and I'm tired." I say, trying to get him to leave. "Why can't I spend just 5 fucking minutes with you, Jessica?!" He spits harshly. "Maybe once I get out, we can hang out." I say. "You know something," he begins as he stands up. "W-what?" I stutter. "I hate your doctor." He says. "Who? Dr. Minter?" I ask. "Yeah. Yeah, him." He sighs heavily. "W-why?" I ask. "He gets to spend time with you," he begins. "He told me I'm not allowed to see you when I get out very soon." He says. "Apparently you're in a bad way. You seem fine. So, what's going on?" He asks. His words spitting like venom. 

Fuck. What do I fucking say? Like, he'll probably fucking kill me. Literally.

A sigh escapes my lips. "You want the full, raw truth Curtis?" I ask. "Yes I do, babe." He begs as he sits on the chairs next to the bed. He places his hand on my upper thigh. A nervous laugh escapes my lips. "Basically, Curtis," I begin. "You actually, low-key fucking scare me. Terrify me even," I begin explaining. "Like, you're kinda creepy, forcing a 17 year old school girl to call you her boyfriend, and having sex with her?! It's fucking gross. On top of that, the threats. You'd always threaten me, and that fucking terrified me to death." I rage. I let the harsh words flow out my mouth and into his ears. 

I feel so im-powered. I feel brave. Strong. But still low-key terrified at the same time.

So. R.I.P Jessica. R.I.P me, I guess.

He clears his throat. "How fucking dare you," he harshly spits as he stands up. My lips begin quivering. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My eyes widen. 

I've fucked up. Badly.

"You little-" "Security!" I scream. "Don't you d-" "Help! Someone!" I cry out. Seconds later, 2 nurses rush into the room, along with security. "Get him away from me!" I cry out whilst pointing at him. "Come on." The security guard says as he drags Curtis out the room. A nurses follows them out. The other nurse stays with me, to calm me down. 

"Get Dr. Minter here! I want Dr. Minter! I want Simon!" I scream.


Simon's POV

*Ring. Ring. Ring.*

"Urgh..." I groan as I sit up in bed. I quickly rub my eyes before picking up the phone. "Hello?" I question. My voice raspy. "Simon. Come quick. It's Jessica. She's gone hysterical." A nurse quickly says down the phone. "On my way." I quickly say before putting the phone down. 

I jump out of bed and quickly throw on some clothes; some grey joggers, a plain white t-shirt, a grey hoodie and some white Adidas trainers (sneakers). I then grab my phone before rushing down the stairs.

I grab my keys off the shelf near the door on my way out.


"What the fuck happened in the space of 6 hours?" I question as I speed down the road towards the hospital.

. . .

I rush down the corridor and into her room. I've never rushed so quickly to a patient in my life.

"Jessica!" I pant as I rush to her side. "Simon. He was here. He came into my fucking room!" She sobs loudly. "Who did? Who came in?" I ask. "Curtis! He came in here! He went to kill me!" She hysterically sobs. "Shh, shh. It's okay now." I softly say as I pull her into a tight hug. "You're safe now. You're safe." I gentle whisper into her ear as she sobs. 

. . .

"Now," I begin as we pull away. "I'm going to ask the nurses what happened, okay?" I say as I stand up. "Please come back, Simon." She sniffs. "I will. I promise." I nod. I quickly kiss her forehead before walking out to talk to the nurses.

. . .

"What happened?" I ask as we stand in-between the 2 rooms. "I personally don't know the full story. I just rushed in to see him towering over her, whilst she screamed and cried for help. The security guard dragged him out. I followed them out to see what he was doing." One of the nurses, Hannah, explains. "Well, he told me that he was going to see his girlfriend. I didn't realize it was her. If I had known, I'd of sent him back to his room." The other nurse, Freddie, says. "Okay." I nod. "Well. Next time, don't let him near her." I quietly say. "Okay." They both nod. "Now, back to work." I hum. They just nod before getting back to work.

"I overheard your conversation," the security guard, Andrew, says as he walks over to me. "Why's he not allowed near her?" He asks. "It's a very long story. But, basically he practically forced her to be in a relationship type thing with him. He's a creep is what I'm trying to say." I explain in a hushed tone. "Oh shit. Okay." Andrew's breath hitches. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll get the police involved." I say. "I hope so." Andrew mutters. "Now, get some rest Andrew." I smile weakly at him. "Yeah. Yeah I will." He nods. I smile at him before walking back into Jessica's room.

. . .

❝Please don't leave me, Simon.❞ Jessica begs as I sit on the bed next to her. ❝I won't Jessica. I promise.❞ I softly say as we lace our fingers together. Her hands cold to the touch. 

❝Get some rest, love.❞ I softly whisper as she lies down. "You'll be here when I wake up, right?" She questions. "Of course I will, love." I smile softly at her. "Okay." She nods.


1261 words. You're welcome. ⋆

Also, thanks for 3.1K reads! [well, nearly 3.2K] ⋆

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