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"Simon," Jessica hums as she props herself up slightly more. "Yes?" He asks. His arms stay locked around her waist, keeping her close to him. Making her feel safe. Without saying anything, she slams her lips onto his. Taken aback for a millisecond, Simon then begins to kiss her back.

It's slow, but passionate. Loving. Full of energy. Full of love.

As they're human however, they pull back for air. They admire each other whilst panting slightly. Their eyes never leaving each other's gazes. "You're amazing. I love you." Simon pants. A smile locks itself onto his face as he says that. Her lips curl up into a soft smile. "I love you to. And, you're also amazing." She says with a light chuckle. 


Jessica's POV

I ended up sitting in between his legs. I lean back against him, resting my head on his shoulder. His arms stay wrapped around my body, making me feel warm and safe. Well... Safer.

"Baby," he softly whispers before kissing my cheek, making me smile. "Yes?" I question. "What're you doing once your out of here?" He asks. "What d'you mean?" I ask as I look up at him. "Like, what're you going to do about Mr. Creep?" He asks. His tone is serious. "I don't know." I sigh. "You should really get the police involved, or something." He says. "They won't do anything, Simon." I state. "Surely they will." He says. 

A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I turn my body so I'm properly facing him. I sit cross-legged in front of him. Although in pain, I don't show it. "What will they do?" I ask. My tone slightly harsh. "Arrest him for doing shit with a child." He says. "I'm technically a young adult now, Simon." I sigh. "Plus, I gave him consent to have sex with me, so they definitely won't do anything." I state. "Well, at least get a restraining order against him, that was he can't come near you." He says. A sigh escapes my lips. "Okay." I nod. "If I must, that is." I mutter. "What d'you mean 'if I must'?" He asks. His tone harsh. "S-Simon... I'm sorry." I stutter. 

I've pissed him off. Great. Well done Jessica, you fucking dickhead.

"I-it's fine." He sighs. "I'm sorry for being harsh." He says as he grabs my hands. "It's fine. It was justified, babe." I softly smile at him. "I made you act like that, I'm sorry." I say. "It's fine, love." He says.

"Now," he begins as he drags me towards him: making me lie on top of him. "Get some rest, baby." He softly says as he re-wraps his arms around my body. "Same for you, babe." I mutter as I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck. "I will, don't worry." He whispers gently. 

❝Night, babygirl.❞ ❝Night, babyboy.❞


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