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Jessica's POV

I wake up from my nap at around 5 PM. "Urgh," I groan as I sit up and stretch before rubbing my eyes, making my vision more clear. I let out a long, heavy sigh before making my way, slowly and carefully downstairs to get something to eat.

"See you later, Jess." My mum smiles as she walks past me. "See ya." I mutter as I continue my journey to the kitchen.

. . .

I decide to grab some leftover pizza and a bottle of cherry coke (cola). I then make my way back up into my room, so I can get changed into some fluffy pyjamas, watch something on Netflix before going back to sleep.

As it's the day before graduation tomorrow, I'm going to text and ask Simon if I can have the day to prepare, and make sure I've got everything for when I do graduate.

. . .

Back in my room, in my fluffy pyjamas, in bed. Netflix is on. Leftover pizza in one hand, phone in the other. Time to text Simon.

To Simon: Simon babes... As it's the day before graduation tomorrow, can I have the day to prepare and make sure I have everything for when I do graduate?

From Simon: Only if you've been practicing on your walking.

To Simon: I have babes. I promise I have. 

From Simon: And only if I can come round now and cuddle you.

To Simon: Get your ass here then, dork.

From Simon: Already outside.

To Simon: Just come in. Doors unlocked.

From Simon: On my way babes.

A minute later, my bedroom door flies open to reveal Simon, wearing some comfy clothes, holding a pizza box and a massive drink. He walks over to me and happily climbs into bed next to me.

"Can I interest you in some p-" "Yes you can." I smile, cutting him off. "Well then." Simon says as he watches me happily try and eat 2 slices of pizza at the same time. "Hey, food before dudes." I laugh. "Wow, thanks." Simon chuckles. "You're an exception." I smile. "Yay." Simon smiles back at me.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" I ask. "I missed you." Simon pouts. "Awe, missed you to." I coo. "And, work's stressed me out." Simon sighs. "Talk to me. Rant to me." I say. "Okay," Simon sighs as he leans his head on my shoulder. "I just fucking hate some of the patients there. Like they're so fucking-"


20 Minutes Later

"Done?" Jessica asks. "Done." Simon nods. "You sure?" She asks. "Positive." Simon nods. "Good." She smiles. "Now, cuddle me." Simon mutters as he happily wraps his arms around her body. Jessica giggles as she wraps her arms around him.

"Now I'm tired." Simon huffs. "Same." Jessica yawns. "Go sleep then." Simon mutters. "Same to you, Si." Jessica mumbles. "Mhm, will do." Simon hums.

. . .

A few moments later, the pair are asleep - still in each other's arms.

Kitten ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now