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5 minutes later...

❝He adores you, you know.❞ Layla smiles warmly as Jessica. "Does he?" She questions, oblivious to Simon's obvious attraction to her. "Mhm. I can tell." Layla, the classic brunette girl hums. "How?" Jessica asks. "They way he looks at you. The way he talks to you. How every time he looks at you, he's always got a smile on his face." Layla lists. "Well, I mean... He also kissed me earlier..." Jessica mutters. "See! It's totally obvious he likes you!" Layla yells. "Shush!" Jessica shushes her. "Sorry. But still." Layla mutters. 

❝He adores you.❞ ❝And I adore him.❞


❝You love her, don't you?❞ Harry asks as they sit in the break room. "Who?" Simon asks. "Jessica." Josh chimes in. ❝Yes. Yes I do.❞ Simon nods. "It's not a bad thing, you know." Harry says. "She's seventeen dude." Simon sighs. "Eighteen pretty soon though." Harry, the young blonde doctor says. "True..." Simon shrugs. "So, just wait a little." Harry smiles. "It's not that simple, you know." Simon mutters. "Why isn't it?" The young doctor asks. ❝I kissed her, Harry.❞ Simon says harshly. "Calm down, Simon." Josh mutters as he places his hand on his shoulder. "Sorry..." Simon sighs in defeat. "No, no. It's okay." Harry softly smiles.

"Why don't you just tell her?" Josh asks. "What? To just be rejected? Good one." Simon scoffs. "Doubt she'd reject you, man." Josh says. "She loves you Si. Trust me." The bearded guy says. "And how do you know that?" Simon asks. ❝I just do.❞ Josh smiles.

❝So, just tell her man.❞ ❝Fuck it. I will. I will tell her.❞


"Jessica." Simon says as he storms into her room. Luckily Layla's gone to get some food. "Yes, Simon?" Jessica asks. "I'm just going to say it," he begins as he sits down next to her. "What?" She asks; confusion laced in her voice. ❝I love you. I fucking love you, Jessica.❞ Simon says; like he's spilling his heart out. A smile presents itself onto her face. ❝I love you too, Simon.❞ She softly says. "Despite the fact we've technically only known each other for a few days. I love you. You're amazing." Simon breaths out. "So are you Si. You're amazing. Perfect, in fact." Jessica mutters. 

"I'm just scared, though." Simon admits. "Why?" She asks as she grips onto his hand. "What if your mum doesn't want us together?" He asks. Fear written in his voice. "Simon. She adores you. I'm sure she won't mind." Jessica softly smiles. ❝You sure?❞ He asks. ❝Positive.❞ She nods.


Cute-ish chapter. You're welcome. ✧

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