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"Look! There's Simon with Layla!" Jessica smiles as she points to Simon, her boyfriend, and Layla, her best friend. "Well, go over there then." Her mum says. "Walk with me." She [Jessica] says as she links their arms together. "Okay." Her mum smiles as they walk towards the pair.

. . .

"Simon! Layla!" Jessica shouts as she gets closer to them. "Jessica!" Layla squeals as she rushes to her. "Look at you, Lay!" Jessica smiles as they engulf each other in a huge hug. "Look at you Jess!" Layla says. 

Simon walks over to them. The look of awe on his face as he watches the girls talk to one another.

"Well, hello there Jessica." Simon says as he stands in front of her. "And hello, Simon." Jessica smiles at him. "I'll give you 2 a minute." Layla says before walking off. "Same." Jessica's mum says before following Layla. 

"You look... Just... Wow." Simon says as he takes in Jessica's appearance. "I'm speechless, Jess." Simon says, shaking his head. Jessica giggles, "do I really look that good or something?" She asks. Simon nods, "absolutely breathtaking." "Thank you," Jessica smiles. "You look great too, babe." Jessica compliments him. "Thanks," Simon smiles. "But not as great as you, babe." Simon says. "Whatever." Jessica chuckles.

. . .

"Also, happy birthday." Simon smiles as they walk hand in hand towards Layla and Jessica's mum. "Thank you." Jessica smiles before planting a small kiss onto his cheek. "Doing anything special?" Simon asks. "Graduating." Jessica says like it's obvious. "Apart from that, silly." Simon says. "I dunno. Probably not." Jessica shrugs. "Well, how about, as I've got the whole day off," Simon begins. "How about I take you out for the day, and spoil you?" Simon suggests. "I'd love that, minus the spoiling part." Jessica says. "But I wanna spoil you, Jess." Simon pouts. "But-" "No buts, I'm spoiling you." Simon says. "Urgh, fine." Jessica sighs.

"Come on Jess! Let's graduate!" Layla says as she links arms with her. "Let's graduate." Jessica nods.


Later, Later

"I'll miss you so much Lay." Jessica says as they hug. "I'll miss you too, Jess." Layla mutters. "Promise you'll visit every weekend?" Jessica asks. "I promise that I'll try to." Layla says. "Okay." Jessica nods as they pull away from one another.

"Come on Layla!" Layla mum shouts. Layla sighs. "This isn't 'goodbye', friend." Layla says. "I know." Jessica nods. "So, see you soon." Layla smiles. "See you soon, Lay." Jessica waves.

Layla then walks to her parents. Jessica watches her climb into her car and drive off.

"You'll see her soon, babe." Simon says as he hugs Jessica from behind. "I know." Jessica nods.

"Now, let's go and celebrate your birthday and graduation." Simon smiles. "Let's." Jessica says.

Kitten ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now