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Simon's POV

Early morning - around 4AM - I hear and feel movement next to me. I open my eyes slightly to see Jessica moving closer to me. She rests her head on my chest. A smile presents itself onto my face as I close my eyes again. I wrap my arms around her small frame, bringing her as humanly close to me as possible. "Did I wake you?" She asks. Her voice raspy, but cute. "No." I mumble back in response. "Oh," she hums. "Can't you sleep, beautiful?" I ask in my raspy, 'sexy' voice. "No. No I can't." She sighs. "Why not?" I ask as I open my eyes. "Because of earlier." She mutters. A sigh escapes my lips as I sit up slightly. She wraps her arms fully around my body. "Babe, I promise you, he's not coming near you again, especially when I'm around/near." I say as I look down at her. Her blue/green eyes staring right back into my bright blue ones. "You definitely promise?" She asks innocently. "Yes. I definitely promise, Jessica." I nod.

. . .

The room goes silent. We just admire each other, and enjoy each others company. It's nice. I like it. I like her. No, I adore her. She's adorable. Funny. Always positive. She's just perfect. Well, in my eyes she is. That's all that matters though, right?

"Simon," she whispers delicately, breaking the silence. "Hmm?" I hum in response. "I love you." She simply says. "I love you to, love." I smile softly down at her. "You're amazing, you know." She says with a soft laugh. "And you're perfect, you know." I smile brightly at her.

. . .

Jessica's POV

"Simon," I hum. "Yes?" He asks. His voice still slightly raspy. It's cute though. "When I graduate, will you be there?" I ask. "If you want me to, then yes." He says. "I really want you to be there." I nod. "Then I'll make sure I am, love." He says: a small, soft smile curling up onto his lips. 

"You're cute. Adorable even. You know that?" I comment randomly as I prop myself up, so I'm properly looking into his eyes. "Again, you're perfect. Perfect in my eyes. You know that?" He responds. "I do now." I lightly giggle. A soft chuckle escapes his lips. 

I wanna kiss him. Badly. I'm craving for it. Badly. I want his touch. Badly. I want him. Now.


🌸 Cliffhanger! (Kinda?) 🌸

🌸 Anyway, thanks for all the support! 🌸

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