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Jessica's POV: a few hours later

"What's wrong Jess?" Layla asks, out of the blue. "Huh?" I hum. "You seem... Down, I guess." She says. "I'm in a hospital... Of course I'm down." I state. "True." She sighs. "Plus, I'm stuck in bed. I can't walk anywhere, which sucks." I add on. "Who said you're not allowed to walk around?" She asks. "No one. I just know I won't be." I sigh. "Why won't you be?" Layla asks. "I don't know." I shrug. "If you wanna walk around, I can't see why you can't." Layla smiles at me. "True." I nod. "Do you wanna walk around?" She asks. "If you're willing to help me, yeah." I nod. "Anything for you, bestfriend." She lightly chuckles before standing up. 

I push the covers off me before slowly swinging my legs around so they're hanging off the edge of the bed. Layla holds out her arms towards me. I grab her hands tightly. Working together, we manage to get me off the bed, and standing up. She wraps an arm around my waist. My arm goes around her shoulders. "Ready?" She asks. "Ready." I nod. Slowly and carefully, we begin walking. I wince a bit due to the pain, and due to the fact my legs aren't used it as its been a while since I last moved them like this.

We get to the door just as Simon gets there. He quickly opens the door with the look of shock on his face. "What're you doing?" He asks. "I want to walk around." I simply say. "Why?" He asks. "To stretch my legs, obviously." I say. "Where are you gonna go though?" He asks. "I don't know. Just anywhere really." I shrug. "Not home, I hope." He laughs. "Oh yeah, because I'm going to walk all the way home." I state. "Calm down, I'm kidding." He laughs. "Yeah, yeah." I sigh. "Well, just be back here in half an hour." He says as he leans against the door frame. "Why?" I ask. "Mr. Barn, aka Vik is coming to see you. I managed to convince him to come." He smiles at me. "Awe, okay." I smile widely at him. 

With that, Simon moves out the way and allows me - with the help of Layla - walk out the room, and walk around to anywhere my legs will allow me to go. I look over my shoulder to see Simon watching us for a second before carrying on walking down the corridor.


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