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"I'm here with ice-cream and milkshakes. Now cuddle me." Simon says as he walks into Jessica's room. Jessica smiles, "come 'ere then, dork." 

Simon smiles as he happily walks over, and climbs into Jessica's bed. He then places the ice-cream and milkshakes onto her bedside table before wrapping his arms around her body. Jessica smiles as she wraps her arms around him. 

"Just think, in a few hours, you'll be 18 and graduating." Simon mutters. "I know." Jessica sighs. "Excited?" He asks as he looks up at her. "Very." Jessica nods with a big grin on her face.

"You'll be there right?" Jessica asks as she runs her fingers through his hair. "Yeah." Simon mumbles. "Promise?" She asks. "I promise, Jess." Simon says. "Good." Jessica nods.

. . .

"I'm tired." Simon yawns. "Go to sleep then, babe." Jessica says. "I will." Simon mumbles. "You better go to sleep to, Jess. It's your special day tomorrow." Simon says. "I will, after ice-cream." She says. "Good." Simon nods.


And so, Jessica eats her ice-cream that Simon got her whilst he happily, and peacefully goes to sleep next to her.

After ice-cream, Jessica has some of the milkshake Simon got her before quietly, and carefully cuddling up to Simon and going to sleep herself.



It's 9 AM and Jessica is getting ready for graduation. Simon went home only a mere 20 minutes ago to get ready. 

"Right, dress is on. Makeup is done. Hair is curled and done. Accessories are on. Just need to get my shoes on, and put my phone and keys in my bag." Jessica smiles to herself as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"You nearly ready Jess?!" Her mum asks from downstairs. "Yeah!" Jessica shouts in response as she grabs her shoes, bag and phone. Her [Jessica's] keys are downstairs. 

Jessica then makes her way downstairs as she places her phone in her bag.

"Awe, look at you. All grown up." Her mum smiles. "Thanks, mum." Jessica lightly chuckles. "But seriously, you look wonderful, dear." Her mum says. "Thanks." Jessica smiles as she places her keys in her bag. She [Jessica] then sits on the stairs and puts her shoes on, completing her look.

"Simon said he'll meet us there, mum." Jessica says as she stands back up. "Okay." Her mum nods. 

"Ready?" Her mum asks as they link arms. "Ready." Jessica nods. And with that, they make their way out the house, and to the family car.


I have a preview for my new fanfiction out!

It's called; perfection and it's another Simon/Miniminter one!

Check it out! It officially comes out pretty soon!

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